


Oh sweet Gandalf.

I’m a huge Gimli/Legolas BroTP fan, and I never noticed this.

But yes. Every step along the way, Legolas is keeping an eye on Gimli, making sure he hasn’t passed out or died or gotten lost. And he’s not going to say anything. He’s not going to make a big deal about it, because they’re not officially friends or anything, and besides, Gimli’s a proud dwarf. He wouldn’t want an Elf prince checking up on him.

But still, as discreetly as he can, Legolas is doing exactly that.

Pardon me while I cuddle the two of you little darlings out of your adorable little minds.

Baby you still there?

Right in the feels, this gif.

Smitten!Legolas in the middle of the war. I CAN’T.

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