DETS I READ MITHRIL IN HIS BEARD AND I THINK I LOVE YOU. I thought it’d be sad bc mortals aging and all that, but then it was just Legolas being all hot and bothered bc of the steaming hot dwarf he’s been married to for fifty years asahdasjff AND THE SMUT WAS SO GOOD, and I also really loved all the shorter parts before, with Legolas observing the changes in his friends and Gimli, and them living their bright future in a land with safe roads and good cross-kingdom relations, AND SAM’S PART AAAHA

AHH NONNIE! you’ve made me so happy to read that! That was part of the plan: that it would at first seem like an ‘oh no – mortality! (DUN DUN DUN!)’ fic, and we’d be bracing ourselves to see Legolas being all sad about it….

…and then Legolas would totally flip the script by basically going, ‘NOPE, TWICE AS HOT NOW, HOW DOES HE DO THAT,’ and jumping Gimli’s bones, lmao.

(gimli didn’t help him at all, the gigantic tease)

SO STOKED YOU LIKED THE SMUT! I had fun with the brinkmanship and the sheer non-humanness of them this time around 😀 Very experienced pair this time – as opposed to say, ‘Snowmelt’ in which they don’t know a dang thing about each other! So much talking and joking, though. These two never shut up, even in bed!

I am so so thrilled you liked the opening build as well! Awww, Sam, I love him forever, brave sweet bab. I love just how much he gave to his home, I really do, he’s just amazing. And hooray you liked the glimpses of the happy and prosperous future! I think I really like writing in the Aglarond-era, dazzling city of the White Mountains, I gotta do it some more ❤

Thank you so much, Nonnie! Thank you so so much!

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