So I’m forever salty about how short all the elves hair is in the movies like no that’s not long it’s like two years of hair growth And for immortal beings that is so LAME… like I’m talking we need big full length hair waist long minimum ok elves like long hair and by god they’ll get long hair

OOOH YES, I haven’t seen much written about this! That’s a really, really good point, Nonnie. The only two elves in the films with hair that even approaches the stated length are Tauriel and Galadriel. Huh. 

Elrond, Legolas, Celeborn, Lindir, Haldir, Thrandy, even Arwen – ALL the rest are extremely short-haired, for elves. No bowstrings are gonna come out of THOSE heads! 

Perhaps it’s a fashion trend of the Third Age? Perhaps it’s the Elven equivalent of a mohawk dyed pink – Middle-Earth punk rockers? 

idk, but I feel and understand your annoyance on this one, Nonnie! *hugs*  i am a ball of festering resentment over certain movie things as well, after all 🙂

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