Last Words

I got tagged by @poplitealqueen! Heya Miss Pop, ilu!

Cite the final line of five of your fics – your favorites, or the most recent ones. Tag five writers who should do this next.

urrgrhblurrrrgh okay here I go – and I am terrible and always give, like, a paragraph rather than a line for these sorts of things. Take it as proof that I am incapable of being succinct!

I tag @notanightlight, @lesbiankiliel, @elenothar, @avelera and @themarchrabbit! Hey all, do it if you want to!

1. Dain Ironfoot of the Line of Durin, son of Nain, hero of Azanulbizar and Lord of the Iron Hills, picked up his mail with a reluctant sigh. Rifling through the sketches of new mining proposals and trade tariffs, he came across a neat white envelope with Bilbo’s writing upon the front.

Opening it, he scanned the contents.

And began to roar with laughter. (Hearts Will As Hearts Must)

2. It is Hulk’s place, Hulk and Bruce’s. They can fill it with their rage and their joy and their freedom, and nothing will ever stop them. Nothing can ever stop them. They are together.

They are not alone.

Hulk leaps again, and Bruce says, there! Let’s see how fast we can run!

Bruce is good at running. Bruce always runs. But Bruce has stopped now.

It could be an experiment?

Hulk is good at experiments. Hulk runs.

Tony flies beside him, and it is good.

They are together, and they are broken, but they are free.

It is good, good, good. (Irreconcilable Differences)

3. Raising his sticky hand, Legolas looked at it for a moment with a distant sort of puzzlement.

Then he said, “now we need another bath.”

Gimli, loose and wrecked and sated, stared at him. 

Then he began to chuckle.“I do not think I have the energy to show off for you a second time!” (Snowmelt)

4. T.A. 2941

King Pompous Git Under the Dungheap,

We’re half a day away: we’ve run all day and night for three days. We have supplies and water and food.

I’m nearly there, so close now.

Keep a watch towards the East. I’m planning my best entrance yet.

Dáin (Yours Faithfully)

5 is under a cut, bc slight-sorta spoilers…ish 🙂 

5. “Oh, passably, passably,” Bilbo said, smiling, and he tugged at one of the plaits in Thorin’s neatly braided, silky beard, long enough to tuck into his belt and then some. “Well, you look more the part these days.”

“You never did, however,” Thorin teased him back, and flipped some pages idly. There were illustrations, some so accurate it was uncomfortable, and others very fanciful. If only Smaug had been so harmless and docile-looking as that!

Something caught his eye. “Ah. And do you stand by that?”

“What’s that?” Bilbo had been absently threading his fingers through Thorin’s beard, humming to himself as Thorin perused the book. “Oh! Oh, well. Indeed. Yes, not a bad ending, as endings go. And it’s true enough, even if it was rather delayed in the execution.”

“And they lived happily ever after, to the end of their days,” Thorin read aloud.


(Sansukh – draft ending number one billionty and eleven, AND STILL SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

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