Every time I think about that sneak peek with Tauriel I start wheezing because, while it gave me all the feels, it also gave me the mental image of Tauriel bursting through the doors to the Halls and everybody just. Stares at her. And then she sees Thorin Oakenshield and she’s like, “Oh heeeey, uh, my guy, long time no see, I know you hate elves but uh, if you could just put that sword down,” and then is horrified when he starts laughing hysterically because of fucking course she’s here why not.

I started dying at Tauriel calling Thorin ‘my guy’ and haven’t stopped

Heeeeeeey my guy, looking good, looking… a lot less dead-ish. All right? *finger guns* heeeeeey uh, yeah, cool beans… so um, if you could just refrain from making with the stabbity, could you point me in the direction of… what. what – is there something on my face? What?!? WHAT the HELL IS SO FUNNY

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