Hey again, I’m the 36 hour anon :) I’m glad I could make your day a little better :) The teaching scene I talked about was the one where Thorin is showing Gimli how to smith the marriage bead, and beyond the cuteness of that whole exchange in and of itself, I had to put my phone down and cry when I realized he could work with gold again. And then Gimli set me off again when he realized it was gold and just KNEW. I’m a mess again oh my. That scene was utter perfection, my dear. :)


oh my gosh

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

THANK YOU – I really loved writing those smithing scenes, how Gimli and Thorin are moving to a more friends-and-mentors relationship from the rather worshipful gratitude-infused one of before, how Thorin can DO this now and it doesn’t hurt – it’s a good thing, that he can give Gimli… 

slkdjhfaljh I am seriously so glad, thank you SO much!

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