hey babes and huns and darlins all

It’s been a heck of a time lol. Sorry for the long long LONG silence. AGAIN. Urgh, I am shaking my head at myself, believe me. I am so crap at social media. All or nothing, that’s me. 

Anyway. We had a loss in our family – the family member I mentioned who was sick has lost their fight after a long long battle, and so we’ve been dealing with how that affects us all. We all knew it was coming, just not when. 

My little man is now 12 weeks old, and GOD he is gorgeous. Caring for him has been a snap so far. He’s a very chilled, cruisy, easy baby, thank fark. 

*the 4-month sleep regression looming on the horizon, rumbling ominously* LALALALALALA NOPE. SO CHILLED. A REALLY CRUISY BABY. YES INDEEDY. 

(tbh, parenting the Dwarfling takes WAY more effort than him at the moment! She’s at a very questioning, precocious, demanding sort of stage. Nearly 4yo now! WTH, WHERE DID THE TIME GO)

No writing has been happening, sad to say. The plan is to get to a point where I’m not collapsing each evening, and do some writing when the kids are in bed. So far, no dice. I’m still knackered!! But it WILL happen. I am not giving up this close to the finish line. 

I hope you’ve all been amazing, and that life is treating you gently, all my beautiful fandom friends and pals and mates out there. I’ve had you all in my thoughts so often – in between endless loads of washing and feeding kids and changing nappies and racing around like a headless chook lolol. Sending you all a gigantic virtual hug.  

lotsa love, 


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