LOTR au with deaf Gimli. Dwarfs being very disability supporting and Gimli is good at feeling tremors in the earth and talking with iglishmek. When the fellowship forms Legolas thinks he is just being rude and not talking but eventually catches on and tries to watch Gimli’s unsubtle signing. When they become true “friends” Gimli, being a unsecretive fool basically teaches Legolas most of iglishmek. Bonus if legolas is really bad at it and is way to over the top with his gestures😊


Do you have any favorite AU Gigolas fics that are some kind of AU other than “modern AU”? Just curious what’s out there that you like/recommend


so, these are all PREDOMINANTLY Gigolas, where Gigolas is the main pairing (or has lots of development and focus) and not a background pairing! 

Obviously there are some WIPS out there which would eventually make this list, but as Gigolas hasn’t made a real impact in those fics yet I wouldn’t want to rec them here and mislead you, Nonnie. 

*smooch* Enjoy!

Comes Around Again (Teen) by Scarletjedi (WIP)
Gimli closes his eyes, an old Dwarf on the brink of death in the home he had built with his husband in the Undying Lands, and opens them again as a young Dwarf in his childhood home in Ered Luin. He’s returned to the tumultuous week before The Company set out to recruit their Burglar from his cosy hobbit hole. Gimli, once again a impetuous teen in the eyes of his family, must get into that Company–the lives of his loved ones, and the very fate of Middle Earth–depends on it. I cannot rec this fic highly enough. No really. It is AMAZING. Time-travel AU.

Northern Babylon by icarus_chained (Gen) (one-shot, complete)
After four years fighting the war in the south, Gimli and Legolas have come back to their home city of New Rhovanion changed, and perhaps for the better. Gimli tries to make Elven Councillor Thranduil understand this, and understand that maybe there’s hope for more than just Gimli and Legolas as well. Incredible worldbuilding, AMAZING one-shot. Steampunk AU. 

Knowledge and Light (teen) by Flamebyrd
He knew leaving his home and going to university would change him. He didn’t realise what that meant. 1930’s University/alternate world AU

Nothing Doth Fade (but Suffers a Sea-Change) (Teen) by notanightlight (Gigolas)
Gimli has always heard stories about the seals that lived near the cliffs of Castle Durin. “They aren’t what they seem,” they’d tell him. Gimli never knew what to think of those stories, until the night he met a stranger on the shore, with the sea in his eyes and moonlight on his skin. Selkie Modern AU 

*Impartial Judge (Explicit) by bigmamag (Gigolas, Kiliel, Bagginshield)
The Triwizard Tournament brings Europe’s three largest wizarding schools together for the competition of a lifetime. Gimli had only planned to tag along as Krum’s entourage, but is unexpectedly chosen as Durmstrang’s champion. When the son of Thranduil is chosen as Beauxbatons’ champion, Gimli seeks a way to bring him down a peg or two, but unexpectedly finds something completely different. This fic is CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED. It is easily one of my top five AUs ever written, I FUCKING ADORE IT. Harry Potter AU 

The Pirates of Erebor (Explicit) by mckittericks
The pirates of Erebor have long troubled the isle of Greenwood, but when they kidnap an elven lady for ransom, they don’t get exactly what, or rather who, they bargained for. Pirates AU 

Purring Cat, Hidden Hamster by alkjira (Teen)
This started out as the story about Hamster!Bilbo and Cat!Thorin meeting when they both ended up living with Ori.
Then there were cathamsters: “I’m not going to go to a vet and somehow put myself in a situation where I have to explain that I think my male cat got my male hamster pregnant.”
Some time after that we were joined by Guinea pig!Gimli, Cockatiel!Legolas, and others.
Then there were guineatiels: ‘Kíli stared down at the eggs. Eggs. EGGS. Tiny smooth things that shouldn’t really exist. Well, not these eggs anyway.’ Pure crack, giggles aplenty, Animal AU

Sapphires Set in Diamond (General Audiences) by deborah_judge 
Dwarf women are not beautiful. Fem!Gimli AU 

Emerald Leaves, Sapphire Stars by Lumelle (Gen)
When Legolas wakes in the Arda Remade, everything is fresh and green. Even so, he cannot be at peace until he has found his star. Fortunately, Mahal’s promise to his children stays true. Post Dagor Dagorath AU

An Unlikely Bond by Frodo_sHeart (Teen)

This is the story of Legolas, an Elf who has never found his fated Guide, and who dares to go on a quest as an unbonded Sentinel with companions of three other races who don’t have Guides and Sentinels. Or do they? Legolas finds himself increasingly confused about his reactions to the proximity of one red-headed Dwarf. Sentinel/Guide AU

The Water of Oblivion by And_Dream_Of_Erebor (gen)

On their way home from their quest, Legolas and Gimli fall into the same stream Bombur had fallen into in The Hobbit. Losing all memory of the quest and of one another, they assume that they are enemies. Amnesia AU

The Long Way Around by hope91 (Teen)

Centuries after passing on to the dwarven Halls of Waiting, Gimli is tasked with one final quest in the Undying Lands – escorting a lingering mortal spirit to his immortal Love, in the hope that amends can be made and both can find closure and peace. Along the way, Gimli is reminded of the finality of separation from his dearest friend – and eventually realizes he can deny his heart no longer. Afterlife AU

On the Origin of Half-Elves by Lumelle (Gen, WIP)
Legolas has found his mate, but that doesn’t always guarantee happiness. Especially not when his dwarf still holds a grudge over old insults. Of course, even when they start to get along, things aren’t necessarily easy when rumours from the Misty Mountains make Legolas ride out to look for his lost brother… and ends up with a party of dwarves following him, because you can’t ever have just one dwarf. Now if only he can get through the adventure without any angry relatives taking an axe to his vulnerable parts. Soulmate AU

Love Always, Yours Forever by butterflyslinky (Teen)

Tauriel, Fili and Kili pull a prank on Gimli and Legolas, who respond in kind. Things go a little too far. Fake dating/relationship AU

The Matchmaker’s Ball by purpleeyesandbowties (teen)

In the beginning, the Valar saw that their children were spread too far and wide. So far apart and so absorbed with their own lives, the children of the Valar could not find their Ones, those whom they were created to be with. So the Valar created the Matchmaker’s Ball. One week a year, in the height of summer, a celebration is held. Anyone from any kingdom is invited to attend, from age thirteen to age thirty, with the goal of finding their One. It’s a week of chance, love, and fate. For Legolas, it might be a way out of the future his father set for him. In his final year of the Matchmaker’s Ball, it becomes all the more important that Legolas finds his One. If he doesn’t, he will be forced to wed against his will in the name of continuing the family line. And he’ll be damned if he lets that happen. Soulmate AU

Herding Cats by notanightlight (Gen)

Gimli was ready for the big shows. He was going to become a Champion of Distinction just like his Dad! The only issue might be bad judges, drama at home, and a slinky golden cat that Gimli can’t forget. Being a show cat is harder work than it looks! GIMLI IS A BIG GINGER-RED PERSIAN OWNED BY THORIN, LEGOLAS IS AN ABYSSINIAN AND TAURIEL IS A KITTEN okay i really like cats. Showcat AU

Second Chances by Lumelle (Gen)
When Legolas enters a small jewelry store completely by chance, he doesn’t expect anything significant to happen. He certainly doesn’t expect to encounter someone he hadn’t even realized he had lost. Gimli, on the other hand, is rather determined to hold onto his newfound happiness, and will not let anything bring him down. Reincarnation AU 

And Our Souls Brushed by notanightlight (Gen, WIP)
Gimli and Legolas never really got off on the right foot. Neither did their daemons. Daemon AU

Wild Hunt by Snow_Glows_Blue (Not rated)
There’s a knock on the door. It isn’t quite dusk; it isn’t too dangerous yet. But still, it’s late to be out on Midwinter’s Night. What if he was held up somewhere? Legolas takes a nail with him when he opens the door. “Gimli. It’s late.” Medieval/Fae AU

Death of Lovers by jcrycolr3wradc (teen)

A biographer talks to Gimli about how he survived World War Z. Zombie AU

Fortune Presents Gifts Not According to the Book by PazithiGallifreya (Teen)
The truth of Legolas & Gimli’s relationship comes out in Rivendell (along with something else equally surprising) Fem!Gimli AU

The Monstrous Fellowship by IchijouKenichiro (Teen)

Astrin’s cousins Fíli and Kíli left to fight the forces of Mordor over two years ago, but there’s been no word from them for the last six months. Being a woman of action and the one who always is there to get them out of trouble, Astrin disguises herself as the male warrior Gimli and joins the army to fight for them. But the regiment she joins is anything but typical. With troublesome hobbits, a religious fanatic, the undead, a golem, and even an elf, are the greatest dangers to come from her fellow man? And what secrets are they all holding onto? THIS FIC DESERVES SO MUCH MORE, it is such a great blending of the two universes!! Monstrous Regiment AU (aka fem!Gigolas/everything is ladies)

I wrote a couple of one-shot efforts myself as well, if you’d like to check em out too, Nonnie!

  • The Long Road (Teen, 6K) ancient!Legolas/post Dagor Dagorath AU 

No, but imagine Bilbo taking toddler Frodo to grocery shopping and Frodo goes get icecream from isle while uncle is picking vegetables, but he can’t reach, but then this random passer-by helps him reach it and Frodo asks (loudly) if the man wants to marry his uncle (because uncle is lonely (also icecream)).


Oh yeaaash!

Frodo is the biggest shipper, even Gandalf comes a close second. He just wants his gay uncle to be happy (and get a new gay uncle) (and more icecream) (which in his mind is the same).
