I’m rlly hyped for the next few chapters of sansukh bc I know eventually were gonna get that sweet sweet kiliel reunion (also bagginshield like fuck yeah) Anyway I hope u have a nice day ty for your time

yes indeedy, all those reunions are most def happening! Thank you Nonnie *hugs*

(i guess that some people are still confused as to how I am gonna sort that bagginshield reunion, BUT IT IS HAPPENING. In fact, all the pieces have now been laid in place!)


Bilbo and Thorin’s seemingly mutually unrequited pining is getting ridiculous and driving everyone nuts, so the Company decides to stage an intervention. For the sake of their friends, and for the sake of the sanity of Erebor.

Woo I can finally officially say this was mine^^ (as if my ever so sly promo wasn’t just me screaming “look this is mine but I can’t announce it yet”)

Anyway, hope you like this fic and hope you like my banner that I made in like five minutes but I really wanted one lmao

(Rated T, 1,943 words, Bagginshield, fem!Kiliel, everyone lives/nobody dies, staging an intervention, humour, piglets)



D..etss;!!!!! II’ gooznn,naa Cr..y I wwaas ,,so ;ne ervvo uss about ;posoti,ing,, It i [kePPt c chheckkinng uu,,p ,, ooni t seevevrry h;ou;;r ..anddty .hEEnn IsI ee tth,hiis,, IInn ;; mm,,y ignbboox liikde,,??? ,, TThh.annkk ,yuoo duDDee

sweetness, it was fucking spectacular, and I’m gonna read it again as I fall asleep tonight. So thaaaaarrrrr 🙂

o h i just realized that one of the trees cut down near bag end was the acorn from the last movie. o h n o

welp, it could have been? But we don’t know for sure. 

In a cut scene, Bilbo buries the acorn in Dale. And it is the most perfectly Bilbo scene in the history of Bilbo Bagginsness. Hope in the face of utter death, the possibility of replanting and rebuilding. I’m still a bit pouty that it was cut.

Here it is. 

At the end of this clip, you hear PJ saying that because they cut the scene Bilbo would still have the acorn in his pocket when he gets home. 

We know that it isn’t the tree over Bag End, because that is already there when Bilbo leaves the Shire. 

(shitty MS paint circle to show Bag End and Tree in the background)

Anyway, we dunno for sure, it’s not confirmed where it is, or even if Bilbo planted it at all. It could have been the Party Tree. 80 year old oaks can sometimes get big enough to be the sort of size Tolkien describes – the Party Tree was massive, apparently. 

But hey, Sam replaces it with an actual mallorn after the Scouring – the only mallorn west of the Misty Mountains. Which imo is a fitting and appropriate successor, and Bilbo would 1000% approve because he is rather fond of elves himself. 

(it would have given Thorin the EPIC sulks)

idk I now and again toy with the idea that Bilbo never planted it at all. Because he can’t bear to put it into the cold dark ground, never to be seen or held again.. 

just like


Thorin calling Bilbo “Master Burglar” when he’s being Serious, Royal and Professional™ to impress his Hobbit

Thorin calling him “B I L B O” when he’s desperate, scared or extremely relieved to see him bc let’s be honest when it comes to Bilbo’s safety & well-being he can’t hold his shit

This is a thing and it’s canon and if you’re wondering, yes, i’m gonna scream


I think I’ll go have a drink too (just raspberry juice tho, there are only so many options when you don’t drink alcohol)
and I’m glad that Fíli missed it too, my boy didn’t need to see any of it

bagginshieldy air smooches are currently my fave thing 

(raspberry juice sounds DELISH, I’ve never had it… right now my juicer is my fave thing ever 🙂