

Those diplomacy visits which are actually perfect oportunities to throw veiled insults at each other; ravens, elks and war pigs are the best accomplices

No one warned Bard

Some people mentioned the book canon!Thrush so let’s say Bard is a fast learner and the next meeting goes much better for him

he’s now one of the cool kids too


A couple more Dain-related thingies, maybe I’ll colour them (I probably won’t colour them). Dain with a baby Stonehelm, trying to do the King thing without getting distracted, and a happy greeting between two Kings, I imagine Bard and Dain would definitly bond over a mutual dislike of meeting and politics.

Inspired by some headcannons from this post.



Because Dain Ironfoot is amazing and really deserves a lot more love! 

This is just something I imagine happening after the events of BotFA~ Also I have so many emotions over Dis jfc, I pity her so much ;___; 

Oh, and the end picture i Dain’s death alongside Brand because yes, that also makes me suffer A LOT

*bursts into tears*

OH MY GOD IT’S DAIN actual DAIN and he is real and sympathetic and noble and his situation is examined with compassion, his grief and his loyalty and ohhhh I AM CRYING REAL HOT TEARS HERE i didn’t know how much i needed this holy shit, he’s not some horrible caricature or obnoxious ass but DAIN DAIN DAIN AUGH his hair! his tatts! His eyebrows! *hugs him and hugs him* 

AND BARD yes gimme all the Dale-Erebor friendship til death (are you trying to kill me with that last panel ARRRGH HIS DEATH HIS DEATH NOO) and DIS DIS AND ALL SHE HAS LOST *heart trembles in chest* your eye for faces and expressions *clutches face and whimpers* and body ratios and shapes, the angles you have chosen make me blubber and ohhhh argh yes, I am so happy and you have destroyed me

Alris has found so many people passed out in her living room after going drinking with Bofur. It got much worse after Erebor was reclaimed. It wasn’t just Bofur’s mining/pub buddies, but the famous, the wealthy, the enormously talented. The crowning event – when Bofur brought Dain and Bard home at three in the morning after a long drinking sesh after a meeting. She found out about this when toddler Alfur told her that he had tripped on the nice tusky fellow and had thrown up on the stretchy man


(but where did they get a traffic cone)


Inspired by Sansukh and Dain Ironfoot’s battle piggies, some heraldic scribbles for the line of Durin

The basic shield of the kings of Erebor would have a crown above, with a black chevron representing the mountain under an arc of 7 stars. Beyond this base, each king would have personal elements.

Dain’s Arms have a hammer crossed with his red axe under the mountain, with a raven in flight above, a chevronel under the black to represent his lordship of the Iron Hills, and has, most importantly, boar supporters.

Notes for the Arms of Thror and Thorin under the cut.

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lkjsdhfljashgdfaljhfdsal OH MY GOD HERALDRY

*dies and is transported to heaven*

YOU ARE A GEM BEYOND COMPARE OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING. And I ADORE your thoughts on them!!! Gosh, thank you!