

Kookaburras are so soft and good like mashpotato

@determamfidd this bird is native to your land so I’m 93% positive that they’re assholes

no no, they are actually soft and good like mashpotato

true, they are the sort of mashpotato that wakes you up by laughing madly at you at dawn

and fine, okay, they are also the sort of mashpotato that kills and eats venomous snakes 

and ALL RIGHT, they’ve been known to snag food from people’s hands, or even pinch sausages from a barbecue…

but dammit they’re so cute, look at that lil birb nugget

oK But thisss



European raven


Turkish raven


North African raven


Himalayan raven


Western (American) raven



look at it look at that weird birb it doesn’t know how to raven

Well that would be because here you have your Eurasian or Common Magpie:

and then you have your black-billed or American Magpie (photo via  and damn isn’t that pretty):

You’ve got your Korean Magpie (image via… you should be seeing a theme here by now:

Then you have the various oriental (blue or green) magpies, and there’s a couple of azure-winged magpies as well. Smallish, pretty birds; all corvids, which means they’re probably fairly intelligent and like shiny things.

And then there’s the Australian magpie, which is a violent red-eyed insane butcherbird, which means it’s extremely intelligent and likes murder.




“penguin was just a small, wobbly headed magpie chick when my son, noah, found her lying injured on the grass after being blown out of her nest. she was very lucky to survive such a horrendous fall but without immediate care would have died within a day.   

“we built her a simple nest and kept her warm with a tiny blanket. noah immediately named her penguin, due to her black and white plumage.  it is not easy to look after any injured wild creature [so] we undertook a great deal of research about magpies and were extremely grateful for all the specialist veterinary advice we received, especially in regard to penguin’s diet.  

“while getting penguin to eat was a real victory, her recovery remained touch and go. but over time she grew in both stature and confidence. 

“as penguin’s strength grew so did her curiosity. we never locked her inside any kind of cage so she was always free to venture outside the house. it didn’t take long before she started to forage for her own food in the backyard and it was clear she was becoming increasingly independent.  

“despite being free to leave she still chose to sleep inside the house for at least six months. fortunately there is a large frangipani tree in our yard that penguin always felt comfortable in, so that became her home. however if we ever leave a window open she’ll fly inside the house at sunrise and scamper down the hallway to one of the bedrooms and jump into bed.  

“australian magpies are known for their beautiful songs and penguin began singing short songs during the day from a very early age and would eventually sing for hours and hours at a time. whenever we’d pull up in the driveway she’d let out a loud and melodic warble to welcome us home then flap her wings with excitement and run straight to the front door to be let inside.  

“while she will always be a part of our family penguin does not belong to us. the world is hers to explore and she regularly travels elsewhere, sometimes for days at a time. we won’t see her for a while and then, without warning, she confidently walks in the door as if nothing has changed.” (source, edited for length)



replied to your




A storm is approaching. The…

Darn, which bird is bigger? The crow or the raven? Because I’m referring to the big ones, that could probably drag you into a dark alley, beat the pulp out of you and make you confess all your sins @.@ the ones in my backyard are cinnamon rolls though 🙂

Oh whoops um, I was thinking that it was ravens that lived at Erebor, and so it would have been ravens that migrated to Iron Hills? idk which is bigger, but it is definitely ravens in the book – but CROWS ARE CLEVER SMART SLEEK LIL BABS and I love em too!

(we don’t really have em here, I love em tho *sigh* instead we have are murderbirds and flying vandals and loudmouths who laugh at your pain with every sunrise)