
so yeah I was scrolling through my Dáin Ironfoot tag and had feels and I just

Dáin is really beautiful?????

like in the Dwarven beauty scale he must be one huge dream hunk?????

he had to have loads of suitors tbh he’s gorgeous

( @determamfidd tagging u bc I know you love Dáin appreciation^^)

yikes chapter 35 was a doozy. i started crying and my roommate was very concerned (i showed her the last bit and the song and she understood how it utterly destroyed me). but i think 36 is worse because of all the reunions with family and im crying???? again?????? how are you so amazing at writing things that make me feel things, how. HOW.

35 is the chapter I will forever be both proud/guilty over, heh

Ahhhhh I am hella fond of the Dain-arrives-in-the-Halls scene in 36, though! Some of my most Dain-ish Dain, I think :)))

oh gosh thank you, lskjdhgflaj thank you so so much! 

one of your many re-read anons, i just got to chapter 30, and dain is telling thorin about how he misses the iron hills, and i can already hear “the iron hills for me” in my head and. aughghhhhhgghhdfhgjdkkjg. (also it’s bringing up all my homesickness feelings, as im away from my home for my first year of university, so im just. getting emotional)

*hugs* Oh Nonnie. Yes, it’s a song about home, and coming home. You’ll make it though! You can get all that lovely knowledge and study, and come back with your head packed with all new stuff ❤

I crammed a LOT of character motivation into those two big Stonehelm-and-Dain chats, I think. Possibly a bit too much!!

At the whole royal heirs birth thing, when Dain is going on about not being a blonde beauty- does Fili eventually get on his case about this? Because Fili is obviously a very handsome blond fellow! (Vili is totally backing him up).

nah, why would he? the twins are only very distantly related to Fili (second cousins once removed, I think??? I’ll check), and this moment isn’t about him at all. He’s not the sort of person to make this occasion All About Himself. Neither would Fili ever really rip into Dain for needing a small moment of emotional deflection, over something so insignificant as Fili’s hair colour.

Dain does a lot of emotional misdirection through his jokes and throwaday lines, both when he is happy and when he is sad. This is one of those moments. He is trying not to explode, basically, and so we get one of his patented Dain™ lines. It’s not about Fili at all. 

But underneath, Dain is staggered and delighted over his grandchild having red hair (as is Bombur, for that matter). To conceal this, he tosses away this flippant sort of line which basically boils down to: ‘SHE HAS RED HAIR. HER HAIR IS RED IT IS RED LIKE MINE, AND I’M NOT CRYING IT’S JUST RAINING ON MY FACE NOW, NOTHING TO SEE HERE AHHH SHE HAS MY HAIR.’

He does a very poor job of concealing how he feels, this time around! And the reflexive effort is wasted anyway, because he and Bombur are just too, too happy to hide it. 

me again, that anon rereading Sansukh who commented on Narvi and ch 19. Would like you to know that rereading Dain’s death is still just as upsetting as the first time I read it. And the second. And the third. Goddamn it.

alsjkdhalk nonnie

considering that Dain’t death scene WAS an instance where I was actively trying to break people’s hearts (as opposed to all my inadvertent ‘WHOOPS THAT WASN’T MEANT TO BE SAD’ moments)… I am both a lil bit guilty and a lil bit pleased to hear that…?