Have a thiiiiing


oh WOW @the-anchorless-moon!!! This is so beautiful! I love her dress, how sparkly she is, and what a GORGEOUS BEARD SHE HAS, that central pearl droplet is such a lovely design and I can so easily see those side-loops being popular…! And what heart-stopping eyes she hasm, lakhsdlamhdlahd this is so beautiful!

I have to say, I am not sure who it is (bc I am a nong) – but I think it is Baris Crystaltongue! She totally looks like she’d be singing ❤

And perhaps Gimris and 6C? (AND A DOUBLE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!) Thank you so so much! Hope you’re having a stellar day!



I’m finally getting back to the expression meme! Woot! Sorry this took so long, but goodness me, Gimris is fun to paint. Especially with this expression, like she’s watching the last of her fucks fly away….


OH MY GOD SHE IS GLORIOUS – that expression! Is so SO GIMRIS I may just depart from my body from the sheer perfection, the sheer done-ness, the utter Gimrisness of her expression!!!

Her beard! Is MAGNIFICENT, as it should be, and holyyyy her lil ears and her bracelet and her jewelery and I love the way you do highlights on skin and hair aaaaaah!!! and those fab furry eyebrows! YES WHAT A DWARROWDAM, WHAT A BABE

*hugs squiddy* THANK YOU! Thank you so much, you are amazing! I am in awe of your work!

Hey so I colored one of the Dwarrowdam sketches I did a while back, here’s Gimris!

Dets: OH WOW!!! OH MY GODSSSHKLSHDGLSJHDS LOOK AT HER BEARD, I LOVE THAT SO MUCH I WANT IT *grabby hands* AND HER EXPRESSION IS PERFECT lshjkdgfljs and her hair, I love the ripples! she’s amazing, thank you SO much from the bottom of my heart!


Argh I’ve been Absent and this isn’t even full colour (she’s half done but is currently buried somewhere in the mountain of stuff I have left to unpack) but HERE IS THIRA my special favourite queen being presented to the court of the Iron Hills when she was due to wed Dain.

omfg that beard

I am in awe of that beard!!!! AND HOW GORGEOUS ARE HER EYES LIPS AND NOSE, she is a goddamn beauty, I am falling as hard and fast as Dain did – holy heck she is BEAUTIFUL!! you are a wonder! 

Thank you SO much, oh my heck, this is awesome…!!!


A fiery dwarrow yesterday, a fiery dwarrowdam today: Bomfrís, daughter of Bombur!
(Bomfrís is such a prickly freckly angel but I think her smile is even more astounding for it being the rarer)




good god, no wonder the Stonehelm fell so damn fast…! SHE’S UTTERLY GLORIOUS. ohhhhh my gosh that smile! and lasdjhflsajh her COLOURS too, that brown and green and once again, your skill at eyes quite honestly stops my heart

hello there, my aggressive glorious awkward raven girl ❤ aaaah thank you SO SO MUCH. Thank you so so SO SO SO MUCH. 


“They’re what we call the silver years…”
“No, and yet I would see it happen.”
Two paraphrased quotes from Sansukh that go someway to explaining why I’ve drawn Hrera, Queen of Erebor, not in the prime of her years but with silver in her beard and wrinkles round her eyes: because so few of the dwarrows had a chance to grow old. So yeah here is everyone’s favourite prim and proper grandma wearing her mithril and diamonds (and smiling at some mischief her grandsons have got into).





she’s so. perfectly. Hrera – and her eyeeees, and her gorgeous, wonderful wrinkles, and GOALS I MEAN HONESTLY – that BEARD, her smile! I AM ENVY OVER HER HAIR, it’s my beautiful bossy granny, I am so so so in love!! YOU ARE AMAZING! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am utterly staggered by your skill and generosity!


A young Barís Crystaltongue gains her Mastery (she may or may not be laughing at an entirely inappropriate observation made by her Uncle Bofur regarding one of the council member’s hairstyles).



dear GOSH I LOVE HER JEWELLERY! and yeaaaaah her smile and teeth and awesome! loooooook at my lovely singing cutie ❤ you are brilliant, thank you SO much!!


Hrera, on her way!

I totally stole @houkakyou‘s trick, and put vinyl inside the belt, heh. I screwed up a whole bunch of very nice trim by dyeing it just a bit too long. Buggering fuck. Anyway, thank heavens for an old brown Venice Lace skirt I bought on a whim at an Op Shop, bc it is now doing stellar duty. 

Now to decorate that skirt. Oh god. Two circle skirts, what possessed me, I do not bloody know. 

(THE BROWN ONE HAS A CIRCUMFERENCE OF 6.6 METRES – adding that silk border nearly broke me, I stg)

Pictures in daylight! A bit better than last night.

(Reminder to self: get a better camera, your phone camera SUCKS)

Hrera, on her way!

I totally stole @houkakyou‘s trick, and put vinyl inside the belt, heh. I screwed up a whole bunch of very nice trim by dyeing it just a bit too long. Buggering fuck. Anyway, thank heavens for an old brown Venice Lace skirt I bought on a whim at an Op Shop, bc it is now doing stellar duty. 

Now to decorate that skirt. Oh god. Two circle skirts, what possessed me, I do not bloody know. 

(THE BROWN ONE HAS A CIRCUMFERENCE OF 6.6 METRES – adding that silk border nearly broke me, I stg)