I pretty much fell in love with legolas’ family so of course I had to try sketching them! I’ve always head cannoned that elves don’t actually have pupils, they just have spots of color that zoom down to pin points when they’re sleeping. Your lovely writing made me headcanon that the votes ended up inheriting kind of wavy wild hair from their mother.

ME REACTING: HOLY HECK THIS IS AMAZING!! I love your style, how flowing and graceful and art-nouveau-y and elvish your lines are! I can see the personalities just shining out of each of them, and you’ve chosen their outfits SO perfectly (oh Laerophen, you reserved and high-collared beanpole you!!!) – I love enigmatic, stately Thranduil, and Laindawar’s armour and his challenging expression, and ofc Legolas isn’t paying attention, but is watching the squirrels chasing each other in the trees…!

i love it, thank you SO much ❤ it’s amazing and so are you!







Play in a world where half-elves aren’t half-human, they’re just… half elves. Subraces are ‘top half’ and ‘bottom half.’

This is my half elf OC, Leg-olas


I’m sorry but I refuse to censor my art.




Hey guys wanna see my new OC? He’s a half-half-elf(top half)/ half-half-elf(bottom half) 

His name is Tim


i recently reread @determamfidd‘s Sansukh and it made me do the unthinkable…….. to draw elves



lkasdgfljh that trio of elven brothers – you have perfectly captured their personalities! THE HAUGHTY TERRIER, THE AWKWARD GIRAFFE AND THE DREAMER kjhfljhdgljs – and the colours! Are amazing! SO AMAZING!

nnnng that Tauriel pic, I am gonna weep holy heck, these are simply astonishing and I am so in awe of your shading and the detail in that pic and oh my starlight child oh OUCH

your style *grips face* IS AMAZING. Thank you, oh wow, thank you SO SO MUCH!

Snippet A. In Media Res


Standing at the precipice of the bloody battlefield Noruinviel shook. Her eyes filled with a wild, distance. Blood oozed from her swords as she stood there. Her hair fluttering in the breeze. Carried on the breeze was the stench of blood, viscera, and death. This was the life that had been thrust onto her. This was the life she had taken to protect her family.

She hated it.

Jumping as a hand touched her she whirled around. Her dazed eyes carrying nothing but the wildness inside of her.

“Noruinviel, it’s me Oethril.” Came a stern, but gentle voice. However, the terror that resided in Noruinviel was absolute. Shaking like a leaf caught in a hurricane she suddenly felt the bile rise in her throat.

Bending over she heaved. Nothing emerged but she continued to heave. Her body revolting against the acts of war she had committed.

Thanks @determamfidd for allowing me to play in your sandbox which gave me the confidence to start Muil’s backstory.


I ain’t never going to have no chill when it comes to Sansukh. May I present Merilin, trans elleth of Mirkwood.

she is absolutely and utterly GORGEOUS

I LOVE her eyes! And her ears! And her HAIR omg the detail you have put into those rows is amazing! She has such an elegant face, aslkdfjhal I could cut myself on those beautiful cheekbones! AND YES A NOSE W A BRIDGE-BUMP, YES YES YES I AM BEYOND THRILLED TO SEE THAT LOVELY NOSE!

she is beautiful! And SO ARE YOU! Thank you so, so much!



The sweet smell of water, lotus, and the deep woods surrounded the pool. The stars in the sky were mirrored in the cool depths as was the shining moon. Tall, majestic trees surrounded it and a sheer, rock cliff stood off to one side protecting this pool from prying eyes.

Camp was where Muil had left the sleeping Meluiwen with Kara and Jeri was on guard duty. It was a good distance away but not out of earshot as Muil liked her privacy. Laindawar was somewhere nearby probably. Not that his presence or non-presence concerned Muil. He was probably out scouting the perimeter as he did every time they set up camp.

A soft, sad sigh escaped Muil as she looked out over the picturesque water. Her thoughts drifting always to Laindawar. She and Laindawar always seemed to be rubbing each other the wrong way. That was distressing to her. She wanted to get closer to him. But it was hard for her interact with someone who she didn’t have to parent or at least be a dictator towards till they healed. She had been healing, helping, and dealing with the other races for too long. Avoiding elves had became second nature because it was painful. Painful to remember how little there were left of her people; what the Avari were forced to become by Melkor and his followers.

These thoughts swirled and warred inside her mind as her practiced fingers she let down her thick, mahogany hair. The braids unraveling between her warm, autumn brown fingers. She was not elegant in doing this. She was efficient in her actions.

In a matter of moments her hair cascaded down to the sandy bank of the pool. The beige sand glittering like pale, broken pearls in the moonlight. Her hair cutting a dark path behind her as he moved towards the water’s edge.

Stopping herself she remembered she needed to undress. No need to ruin her favorite traveling clothes. Soon her aladdin salwar was added to the pile of her hair ties. Then her beaded, kurta-like, tunic came next and then her various undergarments. They were all arranged in a neat pile beside of her feet. Finally she took off her various pieces of jewelry and laid them on top of her clothes.

Edging into the water she let out a sigh of relief. It was so nice to feel the coolness of the water against her heated skin. The relief of getting weeks of grime off of her made her shudder with pleasure.

A twig snapped. No sound came from Muil as she looked over her shoulder. Her eyes wide as she scanned the edge of the treeline for a sign of an intruder. Then her eyes fell on him. His crystalline blue eyes were wide – it was clear he had spotted her.

Moving deeper into the water she held her arms across her chest. Modesty sweeping through her at the sight of Laindawar.

“See something you like pigenor?” she called out teasingly. Her voice and sly smile hiding her deep embarrassment at being seen so exposed. Then she turned around and slid further into the water. It’s cool embrace welcoming her.

A sputtering sound came from Laindawar’s direction. His pale blue eyes reflecting the pale moonlight. Turning on his heel he started to stalk off. Then he snorted. “Depends trethril. You blend into the darkness well.”

A peal of laughter escaped Muil. Her silver eyes reflecting the twinkling starlight and her mirth. Her laugh was soft, warm, like a warm day in spring. A hint of cold in it but the promise of something great in the future.

Laindawar’s eyes widened. His face unreadable as he looked straight ahead of him into the treeline. “Are you sure it is safe to bathe in such an exposed area trethril?” he asked her haughtily.

“Positive pigenor.” she answered before dunking her head under the water. Wetting her long tresses before she reemerged. The water dripping from her as she turned to stare at his back. “I can take care of myself after all.”

“And if someone tries to harm you trethril?” he asked, ignoring her statement about taking caring of herself. His hand came to rest on his sword.

Without a word the water rippled around her as she moved silently out of the pool. Pulling her long hair around herself as she moved to her pile of clothes.

Suddenly her wet hands come to caress his neck. A bite of cold steel against his neck before she let it clatter to the ground. Instead she gently ran her fingers over his adam’s apple.  gently a subtle threat beneath her water cooled fingers. “Do not doubt me pigenor.”

Her wet body pressed against his clothed one for the briefest of moments. She leaned into him and whispered in his ear. “After all, I’ve had to take care of myself for a long time.” her breath caressing his ear..

As suddenly as she had came to stand behind him she retreated to the water. Her conquest finished and now it was time to finish her bath. A soft smile gracing her features. She had felt him tense when her hands encircled his throat.

“Agreed Baralineth.” he answered stoically

Then he marched off into the forest without looking back.

If he had looked back Laindawar would have seen the crimson blush that covered Muil’s cheeks. Her eyes wide  and her mouth slightly agape. Her long hair, darkened by the wetness and the night, dripping it’s over ripeness onto her shoulders.

He had called her by her name.

Not Muil, but her mother-name. A soft, hopeful smile slowly crept onto her features as she brought her hands up to touch her lips. A soft, wistful sigh escaping her as she shook her head. A soft hum soon escaping her as her smile grew and suddenly she started to sing. Hope filling her for the first time in a ages. But the hope of what?

Some time later Muil returned from her bath. Her dusty clothing draped neatly over her one arm and her long hair in a simple four-strand braid to keep it from dragging to much on the ground. She was wearing only her undergarments so she could change clothing when she reached her wagon.

Smiling she saw that Jeri was still on guard-duty, Kara was sleeping and Meluiwen had woken up to face her day. A bright cheerful smile on her face as she trotted over to her “momee”. Her hair in disarray as she had put it up herself so it seemed.

“Momee need to dress.” she stated. Putting her hands on her hips as she stared up at Muil. Her bright blue eyes glowing like a cats.

Chuckling she crouched down and pulled the orc-child into a hug. Kissing her forehead gently. “Mommy will darling. But first…can I fix your hair.”

“No! I dids it meshelf!”

Sighing exasperatedly she couldn’t help but grin. This was going to be a long, long night.

pigenor – Tiny One

trethril – Troubler/Harrasser

Avari – Those elves who refused the summons to Valinor. 

OMG AHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM DYING AT THE THOUGHT OF LAINDAWAR BEING ALL ‘OHFUCKSHIT UM OKAY’ IN THIS MOMENT, *sniggers* and the fact that he uses her mother-name and betrays his friendly feelings by accident – lolol omg that is SO him. He holds his positive emotions verrrrrry close, and isn’t always aware of them (see: his conversation with Jeri on the battlements) – and always ends up letting them out in odd ways! 

holy heck Muil is so damn cool ❤ love the teasing names, and that they really, really can’t help but be abrasive at each other, even when one of them is naked!!


(also Meluiwen is the cutest ever omfg)



“No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom.”

Vladimir Nabokov

The jostling of the wagon lulled Muil into a drowsy state. She had not slept in sometime. A few days? A few weeks? She did not know. She was still paranoid about the newcomers that she had stumbled onto. Even in the… was it a month, that had past she still did not exactly trust them. But, Meluiwen trusted them short after they spent the night with them and had declared them ‘Fwends’ shortly after once she overheard them talking about their home and getting rid of the darkness. (Muluiwen didn’t go into detail as she ‘pwomised-ed’ and Muil respected that).

Keep reading


awww Muil 😥 

Laindawar, omg welp, you TRIED, kiddo. though you have the sensitivity and finesse of a shovel 

laksjdgfljahsdgkahgkahgfkahsgdfkahg!!!!! THANK YOU, EEEE THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!