Gimli probably spends ages trying to convince Eomer to try riding a pig? Just to try. And eventually Eomer does it (he may or may not be a little drunk st the time). It ends up being hilarious because Poppyseed the Pig (names after her tons of tiny black spots) is sort of confused about having a human rider.

he is OUTRAGED that the pigs are kept in a nice cosy pigpen and not in a grand ornamented stable, AS IS ONLY RIGHT GOOD AND PROPER

He keeps going to stroke his horse’s mane… and oh, right, yeah. Pig. 

Poppyseed keeps wondering why the Tall Rider keeps clucking his tongue, what the hell is that all about… and why he always approaches her really slowly just off from one side… I mean, her eyes are forward-facing? She can see him? Also, his helmet with all the fringe-stuff on top looks like it would be interesting to chew

Firefoot is epically jealous. 


(”You’re bacon, Pig. Sleep with your eyes open.”)

Eventually though, I feel like Eomer would get right into it. I mean, he’s a fantastic rider, he’s been riding since he was a tot, and THIS ANIMAL IS TRAINED FOR RIDING. Okay, it’s a bit on the snuffly oinky side, but bonus cloven hooves mean more stable grip! So Poppyseed and Eomer begin to really gel and work together, after those initial teething troubles. 

Meanwhile, Gimli and Legolas are rolling around in hysterics bc Eomer looks like THIS



Favourite LotR moments | Éomer thanking Gimli after the attack on the Hornburg gates.

The postern was closed again, the iron door was barred and piled inside with stones. When all were safe within, Éomer turned: “I thank you, Gimli son of Glóin!” he said. “I did not know that you were with us in the sortie. But oft the unbidden guest proves the best company. How came you there?”
“I followed you to shake off sleep,” said Gimli; “but I looked on the hillmen and they seemed over large for me, so I sat beside a stone to see your sword-play.”
“I shall not find it easy to repay you,” said Éomer.
“There may be many a chance ere the night is over,” laughed the Dwarf. “But I am content. Till now I have hewn naught but wood since I left Moria.”

How does Gimli explain pig and goat riding to non-dwarves that he meets? Especially the Rohirrim?!? Like, yes your horses are cool, but have you ever thought about suiting up a pig and riding into battle?

Once the matter of Galadriel was settled between them, Eomer and Gimli relaxed into a jocular, bantering sort of friendship. With Gimli settling his people in the White Mountains, and Eomer ruling in Edoras, they were often in contact. Visits were a frequent occurrence – most often accompanied by truly staggering amounts of the fruity Rohirric beer. 

Eomer never forgot that Gimli had saved his life at Helm’s Deep. When his first child was born, he named the baby ‘Elfwine’ – which translates to ‘Elf-friend’. Gimli was in raptures, and hurried as fast as he could to Edoras to give his congratulations to the parents, and to meet his newest namesake. 

He managed to astonish the whole of the Golden Hall, and much of the city, by arriving upon a great shaggy goat. Its huge curling horns were tipped in steel, and it stepped sure-footed and swift upon the steep mountain path. 

Eomer was nonplussed. A Dwarf seated upon a goat, as easy and comfortable as any of his Eored in the saddle! “I thought you did not care for riding, Gimli?” 

“Don’t get precious. I said I preferred my feet to a horse, and that will remain true so long as Arod stays with Legolas in Ithilien,” said Gimli cheerfully.

He swung down from his goat and gave it a friendly pat on the back. It lipped at his shoulder, before nipping at the hard leather of his jerkin. “Stop that.

This here is Pepper, and he’s a war-ram. Thought he’d be less confronting than the pig.”

“You ride pigs too?”

“Aye, but I didn’t think it’d be fair to ride a battle-boar here.” Gimli grinned. “Wouldn’t do to show up riding somethin’ prettier than you, after all. So, where’s this little bairn with the excellent name?”

Gimizh is in Mina’s Tirith and the Rohirim just ferociously adopt him. Eowyn is all <3 tiny dorf babbu since she met him when he was following Gimris around. Eomer is all!!! Tiny Gimli!! And there is cuteness, because Gimizh decides that Eomer is Good People. Gimizh also sneaks Faramir candy because he is sad.


Gimizh deciding that Eomer is a Top Bloke and Good Sort means…

yet more competition between Gimli and Eomer hahahahaha