I’ve been re-reading Sansukh (again) and was wondering something. So Thorin and gang are in Mahal’s Halls along with all the other dwarrows right? Well what is happening with those dwarrow that didn’t have the greatest of relationship with Elves? Like the Nogrod or Petty Dwarves…I’m assuming the Petty Dwarves are there?

Hey Nonnie! This got me thinking, and I did some riffing on your ask – I hope this is the sort of thing!

Oh they’re around, all those “Elves-Are-Doodyheads” Dwarves… I mean, the Nogrod thing has a minor effect on the characters even in the living world (Haban is a Firebeard, and I’m rolling with the old fanon idea of Nogrod = Firebeards, and Belegost = Broadbeams). It was a sticking point with Thranduil, remember. He was NOT a fan of Gimli in any way… but ESPECIALLY AND IN PARTICULAR NOT THE ¼ FIREBEARD PART. So, that bit of history is also informing the ‘Dwarves-Are-Doodyheads” Elves, as well…! 

Anyway, back to the Halls. There’s some mention of how the watchers of the Quest gain some notoriety around the Halls of Mahal. At first, the watchers who violently oppose the Gimli-Legolas relationship have a lot of external support. They behave in a way that suggests that they feel secure, even self-righteous. That’s because the rumours that are flying around the place are framed pretty exclusively from the Elves-Suck perspective.

(This means that Narvi has been very isolated in her beliefs, as well as in her behaviour, for all those centuries.)  

As the Elves and Dwarves of the living world make each small, agonisingly tiny step towards a better understanding of each other, those Dwarves who are a part of the watch all grudgingly accept the change, one by one. Slowly of course, but they do. They can’t really force it to NOT happen. I mean, it’s right there in front of their eyes, and all they can do is watch it happen. It’s sorta undeniable.

It’s tiny steps, sure – but there are a LOT of them. And they start small, and get so much bigger…

There’s Gimli and Legolas of course – but there’s also Merilin, who rescued Dori and saved the Queen Dowager’s life. There’s Laerophen who fought in the dark and on the secret stair, who cares for the young ones and welcomes Gimli as a brother. There’s Laindawar who travels East because it is right, not out of love for Dwarves but out of a love of freedom – freedom from darkness and fear. There’s the Lady Galadriel, who speaks to Gimli with the utmost respect and chides her own husband on Gimli’s behalf. 

And eventually, even the pale old Spider himself, Thranduil… who fed their starving people. 

So, the watchers of the Quest will be spreading a new story. It will not make a lot of people happy to hear it. There will be a lot of disagreements and debate… but what can any of the dissenters do about it? It’s happened, they can’t affect it, they’re dead. The only one with a hope of actually affecting these events is Thorin, and he’s firmly on team Gigolas these days (he’s probably Ship Captain, tbh). Heck, when the news about Kili’s silent, hopeless vigil gets around… a lot of folks are going to bite their pipes in half, heh. 

It will take a LONG time for the rumour mill in the wider Halls to stop grinding out the old tune. Resentment is the last thing to fade in any heart. 

(And yes, I think the Petty Dwarves are there, but they’d mostly be keeping to themselves and not really hobnobbing much. They were rumoured to be exiled Dwarves from the seven great clans, after all… ones that used their true-names openly. So yeah, I think they’d have their own areas and not really mix, by choice. Mim might set a trap or pick a fight or two for the sake of it though, bc he is TOTALLY That Guy.) 


“I never thought to find wisdom in a Dwarf,” Legolas said softly, wiping down Gimli’s cheek. His long, pale fingers hovered over Gimli’s thick wild hair. “No, nor beauty either.”

Aragorn looked up, startled. “Legolas?”

The Elf paused, and when he spoke again his voice was barely audible. “De melin, Aragorn.”

There was silence, and then Aragorn shook his head roughly. “Man ebennig?” he demanded.

“Westron!” Thorin growled.

“De melin,” Legolas said, and closed his eyes. “Melin Gimli.”

Ahhhhhh! So I started reading Sansukh earlier this semester and I really had to illustrate one of my favorite parts! It’s taken so long bc about mid semester I became so busy that I barely had time to do any fanart and I really wanted this to be good to maybe even partially reflect how good of a fic Sansukh is!

So yeah I guess this is sort of a thank you to @determamfidd for the great fic, I haven’t finished it yet but I love it so far!

hyperventilates bc this amazing artist whose gigolas work I aDMIRE LIKE WHOA has drawn a pic from SANSUKH excuse me while I FLIP TF OUT

jsahegfkaj holy heck this is AMAZING and thank you so so much! Ahhh the expression on Legolas’ face – arrrgh so tender, it’s so tender I need to punch a wall or something  – and I am in awe of that background and all the detail on Gimli’s brigandine (also hot damn his hair and beard just. okay I have a yum) and the proportions?? are incredible?? like, you can see the incredible heaviness of Dwarf bone in Gimli’s head and arms here, compared to Elven and and and AND you are AMAZING, thank you thank you forever~! 


Dear lord, I really, really like your Discworld/lotr fic. I’m sure you’ve got lots of other things to do but I’m curious if you’d ever consider picking it back up again. Your style is brilliant and funny as hell- I was laughing so hard while reading there were tears rolling down my face and I’m sure I’m probably not the only one. :’)

laqwjhdfgljh thank you!

I do intend to finish that one – it’s on indefinite hiatus (everything is on indefinite hiatus, sorry bout that) but it will def be finished. 

I enjoyed writing Sir Pterry-style footnotes FAR too much to give up on it forever 🙂