Hey again, I’m the 36 hour anon :) I’m glad I could make your day a little better :) The teaching scene I talked about was the one where Thorin is showing Gimli how to smith the marriage bead, and beyond the cuteness of that whole exchange in and of itself, I had to put my phone down and cry when I realized he could work with gold again. And then Gimli set me off again when he realized it was gold and just KNEW. I’m a mess again oh my. That scene was utter perfection, my dear. :)


oh my gosh

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

THANK YOU – I really loved writing those smithing scenes, how Gimli and Thorin are moving to a more friends-and-mentors relationship from the rather worshipful gratitude-infused one of before, how Thorin can DO this now and it doesn’t hurt – it’s a good thing, that he can give Gimli… 

slkdjhfaljh I am seriously so glad, thank you SO much!

Rereading the last few chapters, and I noticed that Dwalin wasn’t surprised at all (not that he’d show it) when it comes to Orla’s heritage. Also that they’ve discussed, as a couple, what to do about it if it ever came up. How did he react when he learned about it? Did Orla tell him outright, or did she make some comment that was more than it seemed? I’m driving myself nuts trying to picture what happened!

Gimli’s letter precipitated a little chat that was quite a bit overdue. Orla REALLY didn’t want to talk about it (as you can tell), but she did. 

By the time Gimli makes it to Erebor, Dwalin is a whole bunch less wild-eyed about the notion… though it still makes what is left of his hair stand on end at times. But his main priority is definitely Orla’s happiness and wishes, and he’s behind her and supporting her all the way, no matter what pressure she’s under. If she’d wanted to be queen, he’d have supported her in that, too. 

Thank you, Nonnie! Thrilled you are re-reading, and doubly thrilled that you’re interested!

Gimli probably spends ages trying to convince Eomer to try riding a pig? Just to try. And eventually Eomer does it (he may or may not be a little drunk st the time). It ends up being hilarious because Poppyseed the Pig (names after her tons of tiny black spots) is sort of confused about having a human rider.

he is OUTRAGED that the pigs are kept in a nice cosy pigpen and not in a grand ornamented stable, AS IS ONLY RIGHT GOOD AND PROPER

He keeps going to stroke his horse’s mane… and oh, right, yeah. Pig. 

Poppyseed keeps wondering why the Tall Rider keeps clucking his tongue, what the hell is that all about… and why he always approaches her really slowly just off from one side… I mean, her eyes are forward-facing? She can see him? Also, his helmet with all the fringe-stuff on top looks like it would be interesting to chew

Firefoot is epically jealous. 


(”You’re bacon, Pig. Sleep with your eyes open.”)

Eventually though, I feel like Eomer would get right into it. I mean, he’s a fantastic rider, he’s been riding since he was a tot, and THIS ANIMAL IS TRAINED FOR RIDING. Okay, it’s a bit on the snuffly oinky side, but bonus cloven hooves mean more stable grip! So Poppyseed and Eomer begin to really gel and work together, after those initial teething troubles. 

Meanwhile, Gimli and Legolas are rolling around in hysterics bc Eomer looks like THIS


What is your favorite scene in all of Lord of the Rings, if you absolutely had to choose just one? (optional: and why?)

Oh cripes. I’ve been mulling this over in the back of my head all day. This is a real puzzler, Nonnie. But thank you so much for asking!

Basically, it comes down to two possibilities:

1. Fave book moment

The Glittering Caves speech, from The Two Towers. This was difficult, as there are SO many moments that make me die/cry/laugh on the inside. I honestly can’t overstate HOW MUCH i love the Scouring of the Shire, for instance… or Merry and Pippin’s greeting at Isengard… or “I liked white better”, or “I go to find the sun!” – or roughly a million different Sam Gamgee moments. But for me this is the most affecting and simply beautiful writing in the whole of the brick. Tolkien doesn’t get lyrical often – his expressive moments either swing more to the “heroic saga” style (see: every speech by Aragorn ever) or to the romantically pastoral. This speech, though – it’s just. glorious, and passionate, full of joy and beauty and awe, and it soars. It is so evocative, and it just soars

Also, this speech is the first time we hear of beauty as seen through the eyes of Dwarves, as spoken by a Dwarf – and wouldja look at that, it is the most poetic and graceful prose in the whole dang thing. 😀

I recorded it once, a zillion years ago

2. Fave movie moment

Okay, I’m a music twit, everybody knows it. And music was absolutely the thing that stole my vote. It was a damn close race. 

Runner up: Edge of Night (Pippin’s Song)

the juxtaposition of Faramir’s hopeless bravery against this song = I am dead, I am very dead.

WINNER: The Beacons of Minas Tirith

(that tremolo strings motif? yup, it was absolutely the inspiration for the ending ostinato in Light on the Horizon. I want to take off into the sky, soaring into the wild – I want to fly into the goddamned sunrise EVERY SINGLE TIME I HEAR THIS MUSIC)


[The Elf walked towards the baths with a dreamy look on his face, his clothes falling like leaves. As the last piece fell, Gimli blinked, and then he made a strangled noise and turned his back. “Legolas!” he gasped.

Thorin clapped his hands over Frerin’s eyes.

“Did you see anything?” whispered Frerin.

“I have my eyes shut,” Thorin muttered.

“I’ve had my eyes shut since they walked in here,” Ori confessed from behind them.

“I haven’t,” said Bifur, with relish.]