
I’ll be honest, I have immediate distrust of anyone that writes Hobbit fic that still has Thorin, Fíli, and Kíli killed off.

Unless that fic immediately follows it by revealing that Middle Earth is actually full of dwarven ghosts that return for the Drama™ by staring at Mahal’s magical Gimli pool for hours on end, and you suddenly find yourself cheering every time another dwarf dies, because you just *know* that reunion in the Halls of Waiting is gonna be amazing. Sure, you’re still crying, but it’s like crying in a long line for an amusement park ride: the wait is a painful test of endurance and you’re scared about what’s to come, but then you ride the ride, get off after a shockingly fun time, and remember that you’re still at that damn amusement park for the rest of the day. Also, you’re now a depression-recovering bisexual dwarven ghost king that has the power to yell WHAT THE FUCK at living people and sometimes they actually listen.

Sansûkh. I’m talking about Sansûkh.


you’re now a depression-recovering bisexual dwarven ghost king that has the power to yell WHAT THE FUCK at living people and sometimes they actually listen ’ <– excuse ME YOU MAGICAL PERSON YOU, BUT THIS IS THE MOST PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF SANSUKH!THORIN EVER WRITTEN AND HE NEEDS IT ON A T-SHIRT

( bilbo’s would say ‘i’m a secretive paranoid sassbucket w trust issues, but hey, i used to be MUCH worse’ )



So while listening to the lotr soundtrack i got sentimental (as one does, the music is just so beautifulll) and since we’ve just started talking again, I just want to thank you for being my friend @determamfidd, I’m pretty sure I’ve known you for about two years now, and little 14 year old me was so happy you never treated me like I was too young or immature! So happy that you made sure I knew I was allowed to stop talking to you if your age ever made me uncomfortable (it never did) and thank you so much for guiding/helping me when I needed it and for listening to me when I had to rant about my father. It was really nice to have someone on my side who was an adult and was not biased or involved in anything. 

Thank you so much for writing Sansûkh, and for representing so many things in the fic. Just thank you so much for being you, Dets. I love you lots and I can’t properly express my gratitude!

OH NINA *hugs*

it is my honour and my pleasure to be your friend during this time of your life, you are a fab energetic and talented person with a brave soul and a wonderful heart! 🙂 

HAPPERLY BEEFERDAY!!!!!!! *hugs* you are an incredible, incredible soul, and I wish you many awesome things for the coming year. You fab ever-poppin queen you!



THANK YOU! You know, Dets, we’ve been friends for awhile now (which is awesome, because you’re awesome, it is altogether awesome that I can call you a friend and we can shoot the breeze and joke and send each other stupid gifs and all that), but damnit, I still get happy illogical brain fireworks every time you say something nice to me. It’s kinda like the Nat King Cole song, right? It’s incredible that someone so unforgettable thinks that I am unforgettable, too.

*loud meeps*


*hugs* It means a lot to hear stuff like this from you. Thanks for remembering my birthday, dude.

babe, I am thoroughly convinced of your awesome, I’ve studied it for years and it is POWERFULLY awesome, believe you me. and we can combine our mighty mighty awkwardness to FIGHT EVIL, you be Awkward Bean and I shall be Klutzgirl!

may only good things come your way this year, mate. *hugs real tight* Happer birf. Happer birf. All the happer birf to you. 



got tagged by @sunlightwood thank you <3<3<3<3<3<3

rules- answer the questions and tag people etc. we all know how this works at this point

  • last movie i watched: harry potter and the philosopher’s stone
  • last song i listened to:

    DIY♡ – フォレフォレ ~Forest For Rest~

  • last book i read: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban (currently reading goblet of fire)
  • last thing i ate: porridge with strawberries and black currant
  • where would you like to time travel to: nah too risky won’t do it
  • if i could be anywhere right now, where would i be?: with jonna ❤ (tomorrow will be)
  • current fandom obsession: tolkienverse and hp are eternal obsessions, latest would be wonder woman

tagging @bagginshieldisreal, @jeizaya, @euseevius, @lovelylilpup, @determamfidd, @autistic-tauriel, @i-fandom-queen-stuff, @hobbitunderthemountain, @arofili

Thankd for the tag @lesbiankiliel!!

Lets see:

Last movie I watched: Star Trek

Last song I listened to: Bottoms up by Brantley Gilbert

Last book I read: The Life Changing Magic of not giving a Fuck

Last thing I ate: chips!

Where would you like to time travel too: umm I’d honestly want to just travel to @determamfidd ’s house and give her a hug and some chocolate:) also @lesbiankiliel deserves some chocolate

If I could be anywhere right now, where would it be?: In my girlfriends bed:3 I want snuggles

Current fandom obsession: hp and tolkien are forEVAH but like my url I love allll and am in most fandoms

Tagging: @queergallifreyan
@determamfidd @fishfingersandscarves


The Alphabet Thingie


Tagged by @peggaboo thank you friendo!!
A – age: 21… my birthday is in just over a month 🙌🏻
B – birthplace: Norwich, Norfolk, England
C – current time: 23:46pm
D – drink you had last: Honey and lemon tea because I’ve got a sore throat! 😦
E – easiest person to talk to: Depends what it’s about; mostly my mum, my granny or my housemate
F – favourite song: uhhhhh…. at the minute it’s Bastille’s Fake It or Lethargy
G – grossest memory: can’t think of anything…
H – horror yes or no: Hell yeah! Love me some horror!
I – in love? I was last year.. not anymore
J – jealous of people? Oh yes… a lot of the time unfortunately
K – killed someone? Definitely not in real life.. in my writing and games yes
L – love at first sight or walk past again? Not first sight no… don’t think that’s a thing
M – middle name: I have two; Louise Nelson (the second is my mum’s surname)
N – number of siblings: Uno – a younger brother
O – one wish: right now, probably that Labour will win our general election in June
P – person I last called: My dad
Q – question you’re always asked: What’s that you’re writing?
R – reason to smile: my family, my friends, I just got a full time job that gets me £17k a year, I have a roof over my head..
S – song you last sang? Look What They’ve Done to My Song
T – time you woke up? 6:45 for work… bleh
U – underwear color: Black and white
V – vacation: I’m saving up to go to Australia to see @determamfidd !! I have £500 saved up so far 😀
W – worst habit: Umm forgetfulness.. not really a habit but I can’t think of anything right now
X – x-rays? One when I was two because I fractured my knee and probably a couple more for other injuries
Y – your favorite food: strawberries, hamburger loaf, Castagne, roast pork belly, so many things
Z – zodiac sign: cancer

I’m tagging the awesome @determamfidd @fishfingersandscarves @poplitealqueen @lacefedora @the-dragongirl @thejollydwarf @acciomasterofdeath and anyone else who wants to do this!

WOOHOOO GETTING CLOSER! I am just so. SO. so excited to see you, Battlepig!!