I pretty much fell in love with legolas’ family so of course I had to try sketching them! I’ve always head cannoned that elves don’t actually have pupils, they just have spots of color that zoom down to pin points when they’re sleeping. Your lovely writing made me headcanon that the votes ended up inheriting kind of wavy wild hair from their mother.

ME REACTING: HOLY HECK THIS IS AMAZING!! I love your style, how flowing and graceful and art-nouveau-y and elvish your lines are! I can see the personalities just shining out of each of them, and you’ve chosen their outfits SO perfectly (oh Laerophen, you reserved and high-collared beanpole you!!!) – I love enigmatic, stately Thranduil, and Laindawar’s armour and his challenging expression, and ofc Legolas isn’t paying attention, but is watching the squirrels chasing each other in the trees…!

i love it, thank you SO much ❤ it’s amazing and so are you!

LotR: The Road to Isengard


“A fine hunt you have led us! Two hundred leagues, through fen and forest, battle and death, to rescue you! And here we find you feasting and idling – and smoking! Smoking! Where did you come by the weed, you villains? Hammer and tongs! I am so torn between rage and joy, that if I do not burst, it will be a marvel!”

“You speak for me, Gimli”, laughed Legolas. “Though I would sooner learn how they came by the wine.”

… Gimli has no chill and Legolas just proved that he is his father’s son.

Out of curiosity, do you write or headcanon Legolas as autistic? I noticed some of my own tendencies of confusion and strange lacks of shame in your writings of him.

I hadn’t! I tend to explicitly state all the representation I have put into the fic, so that there’s no erm… Dumbledoring.*

But what a great interpretation, I love it! Nonnie, if autistic!Legolas is what you see, then it’s as valid a reading as any other. 

I’m now reminded of a quote from Boojum!: “Still, if words mean more than we mean to express when we use them, and if there are some good meanings in the book, I’m very glad to accept them.”

So, if there’s anything in the story that works for you, I’m very glad to accept it 🙂

*by this, I mean any minority representation that is not openly stated in the text itself, but is added as an afterthought through word-of-author. Like Dumbledore

Gimli probably spends ages trying to convince Eomer to try riding a pig? Just to try. And eventually Eomer does it (he may or may not be a little drunk st the time). It ends up being hilarious because Poppyseed the Pig (names after her tons of tiny black spots) is sort of confused about having a human rider.

he is OUTRAGED that the pigs are kept in a nice cosy pigpen and not in a grand ornamented stable, AS IS ONLY RIGHT GOOD AND PROPER

He keeps going to stroke his horse’s mane… and oh, right, yeah. Pig. 

Poppyseed keeps wondering why the Tall Rider keeps clucking his tongue, what the hell is that all about… and why he always approaches her really slowly just off from one side… I mean, her eyes are forward-facing? She can see him? Also, his helmet with all the fringe-stuff on top looks like it would be interesting to chew

Firefoot is epically jealous. 


(”You’re bacon, Pig. Sleep with your eyes open.”)

Eventually though, I feel like Eomer would get right into it. I mean, he’s a fantastic rider, he’s been riding since he was a tot, and THIS ANIMAL IS TRAINED FOR RIDING. Okay, it’s a bit on the snuffly oinky side, but bonus cloven hooves mean more stable grip! So Poppyseed and Eomer begin to really gel and work together, after those initial teething troubles. 

Meanwhile, Gimli and Legolas are rolling around in hysterics bc Eomer looks like THIS



[The Elf walked towards the baths with a dreamy look on his face, his clothes falling like leaves. As the last piece fell, Gimli blinked, and then he made a strangled noise and turned his back. “Legolas!” he gasped.

Thorin clapped his hands over Frerin’s eyes.

“Did you see anything?” whispered Frerin.

“I have my eyes shut,” Thorin muttered.

“I’ve had my eyes shut since they walked in here,” Ori confessed from behind them.

“I haven’t,” said Bifur, with relish.]


i recently reread @determamfidd‘s Sansukh and it made me do the unthinkable…….. to draw elves



lkasdgfljh that trio of elven brothers – you have perfectly captured their personalities! THE HAUGHTY TERRIER, THE AWKWARD GIRAFFE AND THE DREAMER kjhfljhdgljs – and the colours! Are amazing! SO AMAZING!

nnnng that Tauriel pic, I am gonna weep holy heck, these are simply astonishing and I am so in awe of your shading and the detail in that pic and oh my starlight child oh OUCH

your style *grips face* IS AMAZING. Thank you, oh wow, thank you SO SO MUCH!