
Gimli and two elven kids in the West
Iā€™m sure that Gimli would spend a lot of time with kids telling stories about Middle Earth and they would listen to him with a big interest. Because they really like him and he tells stories more emotionally and spectacularly than Legolas or Olorin.

Hi sorry to bother you but Iā€™m looking for a fic and cannot find it. Itā€™s a time travel fix it where gigolas (still not a couple) travel back with their own bodies and gimli joins the quest under another name though his father knows who he is. Can you help me?

Hey Nonnie – sounds likeĀ Two lives with you by dilcirisse, maybe.Ā 

If this isnā€™t the one, you can try searchingĀ ā€˜Gimli/Legolas Time Travelā€™ in AO3, that will bring up a whole bunch of relevant stuff!Ā 

Re: the tag about Gimli’s dead Dwarf peanut gallery as Mulan’s ancestors, because the curiosity is KILLING me, how do you imagine the Dwarven version of ‘acupuncturists vs crossdressers’ would be over Gimli (and KĆ­li) being in love with an Elf?

Haban would absolUTELY be the one who says, ā€˜Donā€™t look at me, he gets it from YOUR side of the family!ā€™Ā 

(sheā€™s 110% right)

Fundin totally would have been the one who says,Ā ā€˜MY children never caused such trouble; they both became civil servants, very respectable!ā€™

Groin would have been the one bristling:Ā ā€œwell, we canā€™t all be respectable!ā€

Aaaaaaand finally, Thror:Ā ā€œNo. Your grandson had to beā€¦ a TREE-SHAGGER!ā€