i know this is almost def not gonna happen in sansukh, but i love the idea of the feanorian tauriel discussion being an actual thing; like she’s looking for the dwarves, so who better to ask than famous dwarf-friend celebrimbor? so there’s a ginger elf wandering around asking after celebrimbor, and when the feanorians hear about this (or at least the noldor royal family, who didn’t kill that many other elves and were probs reembodied) they naturally think tauriel is celebrimbor’s secret child–

–and are super excited to meet a new relative (this one didn’t even kill any other elves!). celebrimbor is very very confused. the noldor are very welcoming to tauriel, and really interested in getting to know her. tauriel is completely oblivious, and thinks the noldor are just weirdly helpful.

Nonnie, yes you are right – that is not happening in Sansukh, sorry for disappointment… but why the heck does that mean it won’t exist?? Go write it! This is a great premise and I love the idea and I would read the heck out of it! GO WRITE YOUR IDEA INTO THE WORLD, MAKE IT INTO A THING! Love it and name it and dive, dive, dive into it!! 


gimli: yet you comfort me. where you go, i will follow.

gimli & legolas: *go on a romantic vacation to share in each other’s cultures and beauty and stuff*

legolas: *literally brings gimli to elf heaven, assumedly because he can’t stand to be apart from him*


tolkien: but like no homo lol 😜✌




Yet another screencap redraw. This time it’s of Gimli and Legolas, yes my colouring style had shifted yet again. Though this really is just me trying to find a good colouring style.

Pay no heed to Gimli’s hair, it will just keep on becoming more…lively as I continue to draw.

I love the eyes a lot and I love how Legolas turned out.

*screaming* I love them! I love your Legolas design, he’s amazing! And I love Gimli, too! His hair is amazing and I love it!

– Mod Manwë



“I never thought to find wisdom in a Dwarf,” Legolas said softly, wiping down Gimli’s cheek. His long, pale fingers hovered over Gimli’s thick wild hair. “No, nor beauty either.”

Aragorn looked up, startled. “Legolas?”

The Elf paused, and when he spoke again his voice was barely audible. “De melin, Aragorn.”

There was silence, and then Aragorn shook his head roughly. “Man ebennig?” he demanded.

“Westron!” Thorin growled.

“De melin,” Legolas said, and closed his eyes. “Melin Gimli.”

Ahhhhhh! So I started reading Sansukh earlier this semester and I really had to illustrate one of my favorite parts! It’s taken so long bc about mid semester I became so busy that I barely had time to do any fanart and I really wanted this to be good to maybe even partially reflect how good of a fic Sansukh is!

So yeah I guess this is sort of a thank you to @determamfidd for the great fic, I haven’t finished it yet but I love it so far!

hyperventilates bc this amazing artist whose gigolas work I aDMIRE LIKE WHOA has drawn a pic from SANSUKH excuse me while I FLIP TF OUT

jsahegfkaj holy heck this is AMAZING and thank you so so much! Ahhh the expression on Legolas’ face – arrrgh so tender, it’s so tender I need to punch a wall or something  – and I am in awe of that background and all the detail on Gimli’s brigandine (also hot damn his hair and beard just. okay I have a yum) and the proportions?? are incredible?? like, you can see the incredible heaviness of Dwarf bone in Gimli’s head and arms here, compared to Elven and and and AND you are AMAZING, thank you thank you forever~!