Thorin and Frerin are giving Dain more of the tour of the Halls and they decide to stop for a pint at one of the many bars. Dain is surprised to find Thrain, Fris, Nain, and Daeris already there. It turns out this place is famous for afterlife!dwarf karaoke. Fris and Daeris are an award-winning combo, and Nain and Thrain are there to cheer and hold flowers. Frerin is proud, Thorin is resigned/amused.

AAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA Fris and Daeris doing the ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ bwaaaaaaaa

(Fili and Kili are banned. The bar is run by Borin. He Does Not Forget.)

Dain would immediately request the Dwarven equivalent of Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ and proceed to roar it with great sentiment – and with the whole audience roaring along, ofc.

Embarrassing confession: I read ‘The Golden Compass’ years ago, in elementary school (and some of it went over my head). Subsequently, I forgot about the series, donated the books to a library, then never thought of it again. Until you started posting about daemons and I thought ‘this sounds familiar, why?’. So I looked up this ‘His Dark Materials’ series, wondering what the first book was, and I ended up staring at the covers of books I’d donated years ago. Regret.

Ohh DANG. *pats your shoulder* Just… dang. Sorry, friend. 

(did you buy your books back?)

Sansukh is one of my go-to comfort fics whenever I have a bad day. I’ve thought about commenting on each chapter during one of the times when I’m re-reading it, but thought that might be weird so I’ve never done it. Rambling, sorry, but I just wanted to say that I really like Sansukh, and the little side fics, especially the one with bby Legolas and his awkward big bro interacting.


You’re a star and a gem. Thank you so so much! DON’T BE SORRY, this was absolutely lovely to receive! 

AND AHHH YOU LIKED MIDWINTER EEEEE I am quietly but enormously fond of that fic and the amazing podfic of it, you’ve totally made my day!!!

believe me, Nonnie – and I think I feel the same as most fic writers here – I dO NOT EVER FIND COMMENTS ON EVERY CHAPTER WEIRD. EVER. EVER. 

I wish you all the good days, Nonnie. *hugs and hugs and hugs* Again, thank you so much!