what’s your opinion on derivative fanworks? I have a few plot bunnies(? idk what to call them) about Orla and that whole aspect, but it is your fic and your OC. ((also I’m not PoC so I’m a lil uncomfy about that – any advice?)

Nonnie, I am THRILLED TO BITS about them, and please let your imagination run riot!

My advice about writing Orla: she is a devoted mum, a loving wife and friend, a quiet-spoken Dwarrowdam of few words. If she has any particular fault, it is that she sometimes doesn’t speak up when she really REALLY should. 

She is incredibly slow to anger, and she seldom laughs. Her wit is very subtle and quiet also and tends to be delivered in a swift, soft blow, like a dagger entering, soundless and abrupt. She is a tremendous warrior, with all the perseverance and application to detail that this suggests, and she does not talk about her past often. She looks to the future, always always always. The past hurts. She had hopes and aspirations for a whole people, a whole nation, and she was betrayed. 

She isn’t one to dwell. She compartmentalises. She rebuilds. 

Dwalin sees her as the most miraculous and precious person he has ever met. He’s still baffled as to why a goddess in her prime is married to a battered, heartsore old soldier like him – but he’s eternally grateful. They have a whole language of silences between them; they can have entire conversations with a flat look and a twitched eyebrow. 

She is dear friends with Dis, Gloin, Dori and Thira. She finds Bofur slightly too much at times. She respected Dain, but wasn’t a big fan of pigs. She has a quiet pride in how much the Stonehelm has grown – but Bomfris’ undisciplined behaviour drives her up the wall

Her skin colour is part of her character. She’s black. I respectfully suggest that you mention it explicitly and plainly (no food metaphors!), and move on. 

Also importantly, she is also a person with ties and relationships and thoughts, (most of which she keeps to herself) and all of the above is needed to make her her. 

(if you are still uneasy or worried, check out the MANY MANY writing guides out there. There are roughly 10000+ for writing characters of colour).


Commission for @sorrel-ly (who I can’t tag for some reason). It’s Dwalin and his wife Orla, as she appears in “Sansûkh” by @determamfidd. If you haven’t heard of this fic yet, then go read it!


look at them! Holy shit I love you both, I love the way you draw Orla, Sparkle! AND YAAAAH THEY ARE BOTH SO KICKASS AND SO TERRIFYING – and so secretly made of marshmallow lmao

(*grabby hands* I want both of their boots, help)


How are Orla’s cousins doing in Erebor? They didn’t feature much in the new chapter, and I’m curious. I hope that they’re getting lots of dwarfling cuddles and good food.

Oh, we’re gonna get a LOT of them next chapter! I wanted to clear away the wedding stuff first, though – the next chapter is ‘WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?’ heheheheheh!

So yeah, we’re gonna see plenty of Kara and Ashkar interacting with Orla (and a very bewildered Dwalin) soon!

This is really random, but who are Wee Thorin’s parents? I seem to have forgotten and I couldn’t find where it was stated

Hey! No worries – massive cast, after all! Here’s the character list, though I haven’t read over it/checked it in a while. It gives you all the characters and their relationships to each other.

Wee Thorin is the first child of Dwalin and Orla. He’s the equivalent of a human 13 or 14 year old. He was dubbed ‘Wee Thorin’ at his birth, and despite being quite a large and husky lad, he SIMPLY CANNOT shake the name! He has two younger brothers – Balin (”Balinith”, approx 8 in human terms) and Frerin (”Frerinith’, approx 3-4 in human terms). 

His very best friend is Gimizh, the son of Bofur and Gimris (Gimli’s nephew, the cookie-stealing Terror of Erebor).