
Kate Leigh and Tilly Devine: Queens of the Sydney Underworld (1881-1964 and 1900-1970)

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DETS I READ MITHRIL IN HIS BEARD AND I THINK I LOVE YOU. I thought it’d be sad bc mortals aging and all that, but then it was just Legolas being all hot and bothered bc of the steaming hot dwarf he’s been married to for fifty years asahdasjff AND THE SMUT WAS SO GOOD, and I also really loved all the shorter parts before, with Legolas observing the changes in his friends and Gimli, and them living their bright future in a land with safe roads and good cross-kingdom relations, AND SAM’S PART AAAHA

AHH NONNIE! you’ve made me so happy to read that! That was part of the plan: that it would at first seem like an ‘oh no – mortality! (DUN DUN DUN!)’ fic, and we’d be bracing ourselves to see Legolas being all sad about it….

…and then Legolas would totally flip the script by basically going, ‘NOPE, TWICE AS HOT NOW, HOW DOES HE DO THAT,’ and jumping Gimli’s bones, lmao.

(gimli didn’t help him at all, the gigantic tease)

SO STOKED YOU LIKED THE SMUT! I had fun with the brinkmanship and the sheer non-humanness of them this time around 😀 Very experienced pair this time – as opposed to say, ‘Snowmelt’ in which they don’t know a dang thing about each other! So much talking and joking, though. These two never shut up, even in bed!

I am so so thrilled you liked the opening build as well! Awww, Sam, I love him forever, brave sweet bab. I love just how much he gave to his home, I really do, he’s just amazing. And hooray you liked the glimpses of the happy and prosperous future! I think I really like writing in the Aglarond-era, dazzling city of the White Mountains, I gotta do it some more ❤

Thank you so much, Nonnie! Thank you so so much!


Legolas was away much with the Galadhrim, and after the first night he did not sleep with the other companions, though he returned to eat and talk with them. Often he took Gimli with him when he went abroad, and the others wondered at this change.

-The Mirror of Galadriel, pages 349-350

I really love these moments between Legolas and Gimli. Lothlorien is a place of rest and healing for the fellowship, and a lot of healing happens in Legolas and Gimli’s relationship. Additionally, while everybody in the fellowship has lost a beloved friend and mentor, Gimli has lost a family member as well as his ancestral homeland. The loss he suffers is overwhelming. Legolas could be spending his time with his own people, which would certainly be easy and comfortable, but he chooses, of everybody in the fellowship, to seek Gimli out. He supports Gimli throughout the grieving process by showing him some beauty.

Also, I’m really into the idea that at some point Aragorn asks him what he was doing all those nights in Lothlorien, and it turns out he was having a lot of sex.

“Well, that was certainly different.”


Another prompt finally done! This has a slight mention of something naughty I guess? As always, a better formatted version can be read right here:

“Well, that was certainly different,” Daegal said as he reentered the feast hall. His voice carried far enough over the din of the hall to reach his companions, despite the slight quaver to it.

He took a seat between Alden and Hammid, gratefully accepting a flag on of strong Rohirrim ale.

“What?” Hammid asked, thankfully waiting until Daegal had taken a long drink, “I thought you were going to go invite our esteemed guests to drink with us tonight.”

“You did find them, didn’t you?” Alden added.

Daegal nodded, roughly wiping away the foam still clinging to his mustache.

“Oh I found them,” he said, staring deeply into his flagon, “finding them wasn’t the problem.”

Alden gave him a sharp nudge in the side.


Daegal took another fortifying drink of ale before he could be cajoled into telling his tale.

“King Elessar was in discussions with Lord Éomer, King, so he could not be invited to join us,” he said.

“Not much different about that,” Hammid said, crossing his arms with a dismissive snort.

“I never said that was the different part!” Daegal replied indignantly.

“You implied it!” Hammid shot back.

“It’s background,” Daegal said, gesturing with his flagon, “It’s important to give the tale some context!”

“Just get on with the story!” Alden quickly cut in before Hammid could come up with another rejoinder.

“What story, now?” came a new voice.

Alden groaned, slumping in his seat and muttering to himself about no one ever being able to tell a straight story in this hall.

Orva ignored him, setting down the plate of roast pork she’d retrieved with a flourish before taking a seat herself. She raised an eyebrow in Daegal’s direction, snagging a piece for herself.

“Weren’t you going to supposed to be getting our guests?” she asked.

“I was just explaining that.”

“Poorly,” Hammid added.

“Just let him talk!” Alden begged, dropping his head into his hand.

Hammid made a ‘well, go ahead’ gesture with his hand.

“As I was just saying,” Daegal said, pausing to clear his throat. “Elessar was in conversation so I went to find Masters Elf and Dwarf, but they were also… busy…”

Daegal trailed off, quickly taking another deep drink of his ale.

“You tell terrible stories, mate,” Hammid grumbled, turning his full attention to the roast pork.

“Busy, how?” Orva prompted, as she licked her fingers clean.

Daegal sputtered over some words, growing red in the face as he searched for a right way to explain. Finally, he set his flagon aside, folding his hands in front of him.

“You have heard that Elves are also considered to be great riders,” he began.

Hammid groaned, but Alden reached over to give him a smack before he could begin complaining about the digression.

“But they do not always ride horses,” he continued.

“Mph!” Orva exclaimed, quickly swallowing her bite of food.

“Yes! I’ve heard that one of the Elvish kings rides a huge stag, with antlers wider than your arms can spread!”

“Not a stag, either,” Daegal muttered, turning even redder.

That earned him another sharp nudge in the side.


“Tonight I learned that our Master Elf is apparently quite skilled at riding a Dwarf.”

Alden stared at him, mouth agape in shock.

“Now that certainly is different!” Hammid admitted, clapping Daegal on the back.

Or a leaned forward with a grin.

“I like this story. Go on.”


Sneak Peek – I Comma Square Bracket Ch2

to celebrate the fact that I am writing again and I am so not sure if it sucks because I feel as rusty as an abandoned car in a bogan’s front yard


It is I Comma Square Bracket, Chapter Two: Dorks On Patrol 🙂


“Oi, Merry.”


“Just had an odd thought.”

“Careful Pip, you never know what thinking might do to an unsullied mind like yours.”

“Har har har. No, I was wondering…”


“How much is a

There was a small silence, punctuated by the striking of
bare heels upon cobblestones. Not even the droning pace of a police-beat could persuade Hobbits to
give boots a try. (1)

“Dunno. A lot?”

“Well, obviously, but
how much exactly? I mean, everyone knows what a shitload is, but nobody seems
to know what it is.”

“Huh. There’s an odd thing.”

“I know!”

Another silence as they rounded the corner, and Merry
squinted up at the Post Office with some resignation. “Got the poster?”

“Yeah. S’a good picture of Bilbo. The Imps did well.”

“They had a good description: I didn’t think Frodo’s uncle’d
ever shut up about his hair and his hands and blah, blah, blah. Now, just let me do the talking, all right?” Merry whispered from the
corner of his mouth as a golem came up to greet them.

“Greetings,” he said. “I am Mister Screw.”

Pippin choked on thin air. Loudly.

“Shh, shut up, it’s a description of what he had to do for a
hundred and eleventy years, prob’ly down some godsawful hole. Show some
respeck!” Merry hissed at him. Pippin stared at the golem’s… lower quarters for a long moment, his
eyes wide.

“Well, he mustn’t have done a very good job! How on earth
did he manage to screw for a hundred and whatever years when he’s got no-”

Pippin!” Merry snapped,
before he spun on his heel towards the golem, a smile that was bright and shiny
with sweat and embarrassment plastered all over his face. “Hello! Nice to meet
you, Mister Screw! We’re from the Potch and we’ve got a Woaster. I mean a
poster. And we’re from the Watch. It’s nice to meet you!”

“…doubt his owners
made much of a profit…”
came the resentful mutter from beside Merry.

“What Kind of Poster?” asked the Golem in a grave, weary
sort of voice.

“…an’ godsawful holes,
course godsawful holes, where else?”

“A missing persons poster,” Merry said, meekly. And he ever
so deliberately leaned his whole bodyweight upon Pippin’s foot. “Could you please
put it up on the back of the carriages and on the doors of the Post Office?”

“Yes. I Will Do This Thing, Because I Have Decided It To Be
Right. Not Because I Am Ordered. That Would Be Wrong. I Have Free Will, and May
Decide.” The golem took the poster in one gigantic lumpy hand, and lumbered off.

“Merry, my foot, you’re on my-!”

Mister Screw paused at the door, looking awkward and
uncomfortable – insofar as several tonnes of animated pottery could look awkward
and uncomfortable. “Your Friend Is Not Wrong About My Previous Employment,” he
said, very carefully.

Merry stared at the golem. “Oh. Right.”

“Many Of The Holes Were Indeed Godsawful.”

“Oh.” Merry’s entire brain tried to crawl away from his
ears, to escape what had just been said. “I’m sorry about that.”

“I Enjoy Being a Post-Man,” said Mister Screw with utmost
solemnity. “I Enjoy Walking The Streets These Days. In Rain or Snow Or Glom Of Nit.”

“Bloody hell,”
Merry replied, with equal solemnity.

The golem nodded. “I Hope Your Friend is Found Soon. I Shall
Put Up The Poster. We Have, As Mister Lipwig Says, A Shitload of Good Currency
In This Town(2), and Our Exposure Is Indeed Very High, Particularly In The Golden Hat. No Doubt
The Missing Person Shall Be Located Soon.”

“Thanks,” Merry said, faintly, and watched the golem
disappear into the post office in a hulking cloud of apologetic confusion and
terracotta dust.

“You brute,” Pippin moaned as Merry lifted his foot, hopping
about and clutching his toes in his hands. “I had them permed only yesterday, Rhododendron
said I needed to let ‘em be for a while to maintain the natural curl, and-”

“Natural curl! You utter gullible idiot, you wasted your money,” scoffed Merry. “You’re a Hobbit! You need a perm like a swamp-dragon needs the hiccups.” His brain was still trying to rinse itself of the last five minutes.

“Shitload again, did you hear?” Pippin said, ignoring Merry’s
scorn with breezy disdain. “Everyone
knows what it means, everyone except us it looks like. Should have asked him
how much it was.”

“I’m not sure I could have survived his answer. Look, we ought
to ask Harry King. He’s King of the Golden River, he’d know, eh?” Merry began
leading them away from the Post Office, along Upper Broadway. They had the rest
of the beat to take care of. At least it was a nice beat, in a nice part of
town. “Probably measures a shitload down to the last bucket, knowing Harry King!”

“Spose,” Pippin said, a trifle sulkily. “And it wasn’t a
waste. Nobby said my feet looked lovely.”

“Nobby said?! Nobby said?!”
said Merry, and was it possible to become unhinged when you hadn’t ever been
hinged in the first place? “Pippin, my lad, perhaps we ought to get back out to
the Sto Plains again. City life is turning you strange.”


(1)  Thanks to the recent migration of Hobbits into Ank-Morpork, Sam
Vimes had been forced to add another sub-category to his ‘Boots’ theory of
Economic Unfairness. 

puns were still as witty, snappy, and groaningly Newsworthy as ever, much to Adora Belle’s eternal annoyance. In retaliation, her heels were now sharp enough to double as a hole-punch. Her husband, naturally, took full advantage.

Crack theory: Aragorn the Third Wheel who has different reactions to different Gigolas events. He eventually can gauge the type/seriousness of what’s happening this way by the magic of third wheel spidey senses. So like, his foot tingles and his neck is itchy … so they argued over interracial stuff and are now doing sexytimes.

Poor innocent bureaucrat: If I can bring your attention to – My Lord? Why are you constantly scratching at your nose?

Aragorn: …not again, I thought they’d learned their lesson about public exhibitionism when that horse decided to try eating their hair. Just please tell me we have a blanket and a bucket of water on hand.

Poor innocent bureaucrat: …and your eye is twitching.

Aragorn: Oh, that always happens, it’s not of any significance.