

The morning ritual that every australian does in the morning

the morning ritual
that every australian
does in the morning

^Haiku^bot^8. I detect haikus with 5-7-5 format. Sometimes I make mistakes. | @image-transcribing-bot @portmanteau-bot | Contact | HAIKU BOT NO | Good bot! | Beep-boop!



Because sometimes what you need most is to watch a sweet little platypus receive pets, tickles, and treats at the Healesville Sanctuary in Victoria, Australia.

Here’s the little platypus that’s taking the internet by storm! She’s so playful and loves to be tickled. Don’t worry–only the males have venomous spurs.

[via Cute Creatures Great & Small]

This is extra hilarious (aside from cute) because there is a Platypus reference upcoming in OaLC.  😀


sometimes i forget that thor doesn’t actually have an Australian accent because his counterpart is tom hiddleston as loki who sounds like a deep thought algorithm’s platonic ideal of posh Britishness and in comparison thor no matter how gentle and flowery a script they give him invariably sounds like he’s moments away from turning to the hulk and saying “you’re a big cunt aren’t ye” 

*screams loudly*




Motherfucking centrelink.

seriously, does anyone have pictures of cute animals or anything they can send my way before i spontaneously combust from pure rage

mate, FUCK centrelink. Seriously. 

here’s my cat. she’s old and fuzzy and her mrow is a sonic weapon

I hope she helps with the bullshit bureaucracy-induced rage. 

Muslim brothers and sisters





So I found this app called Scan Halal where you scan the bar code of your food and it tells you if its halal or not. It’s a free app too. Pass this on so others can see and worry a little less about their food/snack choices

Yessss, it is very handy especially in non-muslim countries

If you reblog this for no other reason, do it because it’ll piss off Pauline Hanson. And pissing off Pauline Hanson is reason enough to do anything.

Pissing off Pauline Hanson is my favourite pass time