
Written by JRR Tolkien, “The Hobbit” was first published on September 21st, 1937, 80 years ago today.

Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.


Hello!! I haven’t been here long time ^^“. But I have been reading fanfics and this time I decided to do fan art for Sansûkh fanfiction. It is Thorin/Bilbo and Gimli/Legolas fic, there are other pairings too, but these two are my favorites >83. I love that fic, and I know it is very popular, and pretty old actually. Anyway, because I fell in love with this fic And cried many many times I decided to do fan art from Chapter 34.

I was inspirated by these sentences:
Bilbo whipped his head around, his tawny curls bouncing along the edge of his vision. There was a pallet tucked against the side of the room, piled with a couple of well-worn, handmade blankets and a thick black fur at the end. He could barely make out the figure buried beneath all those coverings.

Oh, hells. Bilbo did not know where to put his face. Not this, not now, not him! Thorin was swinging his legs out from under his blankets, still half-asleep, and obviously getting ready to rise. Bilbo could feel his ears beginning to burn, and he knew his whole face was red as a beet.
This sentence was my inspiration for this picture.

This amazing story is done by Determamfidd

asmdhfgblajsgfdvkjahsgdvgkajhd THESE TWO I SWEAR…! And I am dying over how perfect Bilbo’s body language is in that second picture, you are a wizard with the body language – the perfect blend of ‘I CAN’T BE HAVING WITH THIS’ and ‘oh good GOD he is too hot’ and Thorin’s wtf grumpsleepy face and this is so great! I love your use of shadow too, and the shading on Bilbo’s hair is gorgeous! WOW! Thank you so so very much!

Any advice for first time fanfiction writers?? (Specifically TH/LOTR writers)

I suck at advice! But here’s two points to keep in mind:

1. This is your story. 

Yes, we have an established world, and established and well-loved characters. Yes, it comes with a boatload of rules and history. You can use it, or not. You can change it up, or not. You can research like mad, or not. You can use fanon, or not. You can use a Tolkienesque style, or a modern one, or a mixture of the two. You can go plot-driven, or character-driven. It’s yours now. What does your story require? Whatever it needs, do that.

Dive, dive, dive, and enjoy it. This is meant to be fun.  

2. Write. 

Just write. Write and write and write. Some of it will not be great, some of it will be awesome, you will be amazed at what is in your head sometimes – and other times it will feel like you’re emptied out entirely. But the more you write, the better you get at it. It’s like anything else, be it an instrument or drawing or cooking: if you practice, you will improve. 

(Story time: I have been writing fic for approx 17 years. I was in my late teens when I began. I have made many, MANY shitty stories. I have been the writer with no reviews A LOT. For basically a decade, I chugged along in my own little writing world, making stories that nobody found or was interested in. But I liked them. I worked hard on them and loved them, they were crappy in hindsight but they made me feel things, and that’s what it’s all about I suppose: these are words that make us feel things. That decade was good for me. I didn’t stop writing. I read a lot, I practiced a lot, I got better, people grew interested at last and I was hugely grateful – still am – but in the end, it STILL boils down to whether I like what I’m writing, whether it still makes me feel things. I’m still practicing, every time I sit down to write, I am a student like you. I’m still getting better, I hope. I hope.)

So, don’t stop. You may be discouraged at times. You may love your stuff one day, hate it the next. You may feel like you’re shouting into a black hole of indifference. Just keep going. Cut ruthlessly if you have to, in order to find the pieces of story that make you feel things – the ones that work. Be cruel to your work, kind to yourself. Whine to your friends about how goddamn difficult this section is being. Ask folks to read over parts you are uncertain of. Get friendly feedback in private, from someone you like and trust. Specify what it is you are anxious about (dialogue? pacing? Whatever) and listen to their response. Fix it. Work on it. LOVE IT – it is yours, so love it even when you also hate it. Take your time when you gotta, and then get back onto the horse and keep writing. 

You’re one of us now, Nonnie! Welcome to the fun 🙂

Hi! I gotta question: which character from LOTR/Tolkien do you most identify with? Apparently Tolkien wrote: “As far as any character is ‘like me’, it is Faramir”, so which character do you (not necessarily LIKE the most, but) most connect with?

Ooooh. The one that is personality-wise, most like me character-wise…

Bc I like my books and my writing and my squishy chair and my garden and my kettle, I can be clever and I can speak eloquently when I want to

I have a ‘business manner’ lmao

and I too like exciting tales and travelling – sometimes up close, sometimes at a distance

and if I was roped into a big dangerous adventure, I too would DEFINITELY complain the whole way

and I would absolUTELY write inappropriate poetry and read it aloud

and I am a short and a bit of a grump and a hermit crab, but I have been known to go way way OTT to help out my friends and family, I will not stand for them to be hurt or insulted, I am loyal AS HECK

I’m braver now than I was when I was younger

and I definitely call the huntsman spiders dumb names when I have to shift them outside 

(stupid tiny panicky deckchairs that they are)


so you know how people are like “but why didn’t the eagles drop Gandalf and company closer to the Lonely Mountain”

well they actually explain this in the book–when Gwaihir the Lord of the Eagles dumps them all off he’s like “yeah sorry bro we’d take you closer but we don’t like to fly near villages full of people because they suck and they’d shoot us with their arrows cause they’d think we were there to steal and eat their sheep and okay normally they’d be totally right cause sheep are super delish but yeah this is as far as we go. Also we don’t give a shit about dwarves anyway and I only did this as a personal favor for Gandalf cause he and I are true homies so whatever Im not actually sorry”

I think that’s pretty close to the original text, anyway