
The 14 Valar of the Arda

I redesigned them again, this time… all together  🙂

Silmarillion Onion Headlines: Part 2, The Secondborn

Beor: Archaeologists Uncover Last Human To Die Happy
Andreth: Child Assured It Will Be Long Time Before He Dies
Barahir: Near-Death Experience Followed By Right-On-The-Money-Death Experience
Beren: Bad Boy Fencing Star Implicated In Yet Another Daring Jewel Heist
Morwen: Sole Survivor Of Plane Crash Suffering From Survivor’s Pride
Turin: Disaster, Could It Strike Again?
Nienor: Study: Depression Up Among Teenage Girls Able To Perceive Any Part Of World Around Them
Hurin: Man Wakes From Nightmare Relieved It Only Expression Of His Real-Life Problems
Tuor: ‘The Time To Act Is Now,’ Says Yellowing Climate Change Report Sitting In University Archive
Haleth: Woman Confusingly Tells Area Man She’s Not Interested In Him
Erendis and Aldarion: Amazon.com Recommendations Understand Area Woman Better Than Husband
Tar-Ancalime: Area Woman Not A Morning, Afternoon, Or Night Person
Ar-Pharazon: Study Finds Majority Of Deaths Caused By Failure To Heed Omens
Tar-Miriel: How Climate Change Will Affect You
Elendil: Jake Hyland Of Kansas City, MO Chosen As Nation’s Designated Survivor In Case Rest Of Country Wiped Out During Presidential Address

Just wanted to let your latinx dunedain and asian earendilion anon know: there are not purists everywhere! Most of Silm fandom is very gung-ho about racial diversity in fanart, to the point where it’s rare for any artist in the fandom to have a group of character designs where more than say, 1/3rd of them are white. Latinx and middle-eastern dunedain are the most popular racecasts for them, fingolfin+kids are usually drawn as black, and I’ve seen 15+ different asian elrond and luthien designs :)

I’ve seen that too! Hey Nonnie – check it out! Many wonderful works await! 😀

Have you every been at all interested in Mythology? Specifically like Greek or Roman? Because I love your depictions of the “gods” of Middle Earth/Arda and wanted to know. I think it’d be cool to think about the Valar meeting other gods like Manwe meeting Zeus or Hephaestus meeting Aule.

OMG yes, I had a period in which I was completely and totally obsessed with mythology, I might have been around 9 or 10? I read mythology encyclopaedias to amuse myself, lmao. I had a really amazing one that’s still hanging around here somewhere, a present from my uncle. It was Cotterell’s one on Norse, Classical and Celtic Myths, and I would read it for HOURS. 

omg Hephaestus and Aule YES. Demeter and Yavanna too! ULMO AND POSEIDON, GROUCHY OCEAN BROS 4 LYFE

Also I get the feeling that Tulkas and Thor would be drinking buddies. 

(Prometheus, Daedalus and Feanor, all bitching together in a corner)

Someone: So what is your biggest fear?
Me: Peter Jackson is allowed to make a movie adaptation of the Silmarillion. All the characters are white dudes. There are 45 parts and still all the relevant plot is left out. Lúthien is turned into Action Girl who will need saving during the climax. Mîm is only there for comic relief. Feanor is shown 0.2 seconds during the prologue. Everybody who is not in the Lay of Leithian or the Narn gets erased. Somehow, Legolas is there.


I made myself sad with an idea – when Aule made the dwarfs, and Eru found out, he wanted to destroy them first, and the original dwarf prototypes huddled together in fear and pleading for mercy. What if dwarfs have an unconscious recolletction of that, deep in their bones and souls, and they are so stubborn in their ways and unbending because they have the utmost need to be just as mahal made them else he’ll be displeased and will want to throw them away again.