Doing my bimonthly reread, now at helm’s deep and wondering… Legolas will sometimes say things to Thorin, with no idea that he’s there. That means that there are probably some times when thorin *isn’t* there, and Legolas is saying these things to actual empty air…

YES. Oh my god, yes – there would absolutely be times when Legolas tries saying something to the Peanut Gallery/Thorin, and he’s actually talking to nothing at all… 

It would make Thorin so, so gleeful to know that :DDD


I just started reading The Hobbit again. So it was about time for some Thorin fanart. 🙂

This one is – obviously – based on the book not on the movies. Even though, despite all the niggling about him, I liked Richard Armitage in the role. And I think he had some amazing and intense scenes in the films.

Anyways – Dwarves! ❤

okay. same anon as before with the ch 19 stuff and. okay. so. I forgot how funny everyone-but-thorin figuring out gigolas was? I don’t know why I forgot that bc that was one of my favorite parts. and this is actually making my month (which has been by turns not-awful and completely-shitty, on top of several awful-beyond-belief months of med switching hell) significantly better.

*sniggers* still one of the most-fun-things-to-write ever. Thorin being so, SO clueless. Heh :)))

*hugs* hope things settle for you, both with the meds and the things being shitty and not in turn 😦

im not sure if it’s been mentioned yet, but sam in chapter 46 was a GIFT. so snarky, so brave, so wonderful. im all wibbly, i love him. (also: thorin being referred to as a raincloud is one of my fave things ever)

<3333333 Sam is my Lion of the Shire, I adore him forever.

(that especially snarky line? the “Calling your Chief Names, Wishing to punch his Pimply Face, and Thinking you Shirriffs look a lot of Tom-fools” line? ISN’T MINE. That’s Tolkien’s, from the chapter The Scouring of the Shire, and is a contender for my favourite line in the whole trilogy. DAMN I LOVE SAM)

heheheheheh, lil Stormcloud, thundering away! 

Thank you so so much, Nonnie! *hugs*


Finished. For @determamfidd and her epic Sansukh.

*grips heart* oh my GOD

oh my GOD – this – words FAIL me – I am just astounded by the skill and detail and wonderfulness of this!! *SCREAMS UNTIL THE MOUNTAINS RING* LOOOOOOOOKKKKK!

Gimli! Legolas! Thorin and Bilbo and oh god the tears, the tears are OW, and Frodo and Sam here are so goddamn perfect i am cry, Frodo’s face and Sam’s sweet resolute expression and HELP ME I KEEP LOOKING AT ALL THIS DETAIL AND FLAILING – Legolas’ armour and the Art Nouveau travery on his tunic and the Durin Blue on Gimli (THAT TEXTURE!!!) and the brooch, and HIS CHEEK-TASTIC GRIN I am gonna hyperventilate here!


thank you! Thank you SO SO MUCH!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!