I pretty much fell in love with legolas’ family so of course I had to try sketching them! I’ve always head cannoned that elves don’t actually have pupils, they just have spots of color that zoom down to pin points when they’re sleeping. Your lovely writing made me headcanon that the votes ended up inheriting kind of wavy wild hair from their mother.

ME REACTING: HOLY HECK THIS IS AMAZING!! I love your style, how flowing and graceful and art-nouveau-y and elvish your lines are! I can see the personalities just shining out of each of them, and you’ve chosen their outfits SO perfectly (oh Laerophen, you reserved and high-collared beanpole you!!!) – I love enigmatic, stately Thranduil, and Laindawar’s armour and his challenging expression, and ofc Legolas isn’t paying attention, but is watching the squirrels chasing each other in the trees…!

i love it, thank you SO much ❤ it’s amazing and so are you!

okay. so. Dis? has been making me so freaking sad. she’s just. I just. I can’t even????? and poor vili, watching her fade faster and faster, his steel and silver sweetheart, and I just. can’t. like, she drags Thranduil by his long elfin locks, kicking and screaming, into being a better person and owning up to his shit? brb still sobbing.

AHHH thank for mentioning the Thranduil thingy…. that’s just such a huge moment for her, she isn’t TOTALLY made of anger and sads and pain, she can fucking USE her anger and what she’s learned from it – and beat an Elf twit over the head with it until he gets a clue heh

but okay fine yes I admit she is MOSTLY made of anger and sads and pain 



The wife of Thranduil and mother to his sons. 


OH MY WORD, SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL – I love how like a forest sprite she is! AND I HAVE HAIR-ENVY LIKE WHOA 

those earrings! That puckish sweet face, full of humour and interest! LEAVES AND FLOWERS IN HER HAIR YAAAS and eeee her hands..! I am so in love with her wide hips and clever hands, omg


Hey! I have a question if that’s ok?? I was rereading through the awesomeness that is sansukh and I saw in one part thorin was yelling that thranduil will ask for the white gems next. Does this mean in sansukh canon bilbo never gave them to thranduil after botfa, like he did in the book? Or was thorin still getting used to being dead that he didn’t know bilbo gave the elf king them? Thanks!! (I love your writing so much)

Hey Nonnie! 

Bilbo did NOT give Thranduil the white gems in the book – the white gems (and their background story etc etc) are an invention of the movies. 

All the book says is that the Elvenking is fond of white gems. 

Bilbo gave the Elvenking a silver and pearl necklace, actually, one that Dain had gifted to him 🙂

(Thorin didn’t know, and that is probably for the best, lmao)