

glittering caves more ‘like walking through the night sky’ 1/1 elf approves

@determamfidd this reminded me of a certain scene in a certain chapter of a certain fic iykwim

aWWWW NAS – if the scene was half as gorgeous as Quel’s ASTONISHING ART, omfg STUNNING.

granma earwen was tiny? but galady and her bros are tol that means finarfin must have been GIANT


I don’t think GIANT defines him, just as tall as his kids I guess? And short Earwen admitedly comes out of nowhere but my own nonsense wishes (weirdly enough, sinceTelerin and Sindar are some of the tallest elves to me) so just bear with me here.I freely  admit I follow kinda loose genetics rules a with these elves ha 

Anyway since you asked, a long post to follow how I’ve been headcanoning this lineage for a long while, until we get to tall Arwen who began the discussion.




For today please imagine:

Thorin feeling particularly playful and affectionate, sneaking up behind Bilbo to surprise grab him expecting probably a yelp and getting fussed at before a lot of kisses.

Instead, Bilbo barely makes a sound when he’s grabbed and Thorin gets an elbow hard in his gut. And he’s just lying on the ground so proud of his uppity spitfire hobbit who is both apologizing profusely and yelling at him bc whAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK IM SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING JUST LEAVING YOU THERE THORIN OAKENSHIELD


Skdkdld poor Thorin just wanted to be loved. now he’s lying on the cold hard ground